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Is the best philosophy.  Basically enjoy all the pleasures of life in enough moderation that they don't kill  you or ruin your life. Eat delicious food but not to the point of getting sick, enjoy wine and spirits but without getting hung over, have sex and masturbate but without siring bastard children and or acquiring diseases, and or committing crimes.


Also its best to do the above with friends, never dining alone, drinking alone, and the occasional orgy is always to be welcomed.


Once you eliminate pesky concepts like christian sin, or eastern Asceticism, there is really nothing holding you back from really having a fun existence.  Freedom from pain should be the primary goal of any thinking individual, unless you are a masochist in which case, pain is good.




That's why its best to have just enough booze to be happy, and just enough food to be satisfied. Too much of a good thing ceases to be good, that's when it stops being rational hedonism and becomes just hedonism, which usually carries certain unpleasant health effects like liver transplants and obesity.


Not that its any of your business but I live in an apartment they own, and I pay rent on it.


Oh ok, I was like how hedonistic can it get with your mom in the next room.


Oh ok, I was like how hedonistic can it get with your mom in the next room.


You'd be surprised, I throw yearly drinking parties at my parents house, which is actually the same building the apartment is part of, its sectioned off.  The one coming up this august will be the first one primarily encompassing my new apartment, the renovated basement, and the back yard where I hope to install a smoke pit in which I will smoke an entire pig.  I'm calling it the feriatum Augusti, or feast of Augustus. So far no one has suffered alcohol poisoning, though there have been many hangovers, none suffered by yours truly of course. I generally keep an eye on everything to maintain some semblance of order, people have more fun when fewer of them are puking.


You'd be surprised, I throw yearly drinking parties at my parents house, which is actually the same building the apartment is part of, its sectioned off.  The one coming up this august will be the first one primarily encompassing my new apartment, the renovated basement, and the back yard where I hope to install a smoke pit in which I will smoke an entire pig.  I'm calling it the feriatum Augusti, or feast of Augustus. So far no one has suffered alcohol poisoning, though there have been many hangovers, none suffered by yours truly of course. I generally keep an eye on everything to maintain some semblance of order, people have more fun when fewer of them are puking.

Or me!



That is why its best to have a close circle of friends and to exclude assholes.


maybe its a southern bible belt thing? straight female thing? but my friends would never be down for an orgy



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