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Everything posted by Kehotik

  1. I don't have much but true to that.
  2. It was the "you have yourself a great day" bit.
  3. I've been watching Kyle Hebert mostly. He's a really cool guy and his streams have been very entertaining.
  4. I think I lost a follower because of it XD!
  5. They have the power to start and stop everything. I mean they could end it all. Broken much?
  6. I've been watching Kyle Hebert stream on Twitch lately and he recently made Affiliate. So I made this stupid video to congratulate him.
  7. Don't turn up your volume. It's not worth it.
  8. 2020 gets another one!
  9. Back when I was an edgy teen I thought it would be cool to spell chaotic different. It stuck with me ever since.
  10. My phone sucks
  11. Oi dair Chicken Chase-a!
  12. Beezchorgor? This place has 76 different flavors. Although most are combos of existing flavors. Like "Ugly" is just hot sauce and honey bbq with bacon bits. It was my other choice.
  13. Sounds interesting.
  14. Honey X-tra Hot
  15. Cabbage Meats! Snail Bites!
  16. Yeah I do. I just don't remember the other games throwing as much at me. I'm on the final boss now. Should beat the game soon and then work on the extra stuff. 4 was much different than the others imo.
  17. I'm on the second to last level of Disgaea 4. I'm like 40 levels higher than the enemies but the game is all I don't give a fyuq! I suppose there's only one thing to do. Get gud and grind like no other! I don't remember 5 being this tough.
  18. Honeycomb!
  19. Ahh ahh!
  20. One of my favorite characters killing one of my other favorites. Tough feelings.
  21. Oh. Okay
  22. What? The "they just keep coming" line?
  23. Everyone I talk to online just calls me chaotic. But I like all these pronunciations xD. I believe she said Key-hot-ick. I followed her on twitch.
  24. I play whomever. I was playing Louis because I had a pills here mod on. Pressing the callout key results in funny pills related lines.
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