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🍑Side Piece McSlutty Tits

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Everything posted by 🍑Side Piece McSlutty Tits

  1. Never made it to dvds. I think i just pirated by that time..
  2. That looks like a dude in drag
  3. She needs to take hers back. I post mostly on my s9. No issues.
  4. She’s bipolar and would hate you.
  5. theyre not that bad if the guy manscapes *slurrrrp*
  6. no they are more like if i date a guy, I WANT HIS SOUL AND HIS BALLS HANGING FROM MY REARVIEW MIRROR...RAWR!!
  7. no.. see .. u watch .. jizz.. pass out... wake up the next day.. shower... then repeat trust me, i know
  8. "I don't want anything serious. I don't want to date. My life is great but I get horny sometimes and I like to fuck and thats all I am really needing a woman for these days. Again, my life is great. I dont need any female to encroach on my life.. dont wanna share my life with anyone else either. IT'S GREAT!!" LOL
  9. too bad you're not black. my racist obgyn doctor tried to sterlize me (or convince me to get sterlized) before i was 30 LOL
  10. ah ok. awesome!! yah.. i think vasectomies should be the norm instead of bc for women. it kills women and has all these side effects meanwhile vasectomies are reversible.
  11. i havent watched tv in over a week due to the fun im having here and working 12+ hour days
  12. im talking 30 years old and younger.. yes 30 SOMETHING year olds probably have . i think video stores went under within 5 or so years of me renting me some porn from the family owned video shop and the cashier acting all flustered LOL
  13. i wish more guys got vasectomies bet you havent even priced one yet tho
  14. none do you not know how vhs works? you jizz while the tape is still playing
  15. not a porn store. a general video store that sells every kind of video. .. like family movies and porn at the same time LOL
  16. Would never know the extra special experience of renting porn from a video store as soon as they turn 18 🤣🤣
  17. The entire album is amazing and timeless. Fucking loved this shit since middle school.
  18. And bikes didnt look that old in '89 😡
  19. Calm the f down. Its only 9pm lol
  20. I had the best candy. Jolly rancher gummie...it was soooo soft and yummy NEED MOAR
  21. Are u doing any halloween stuff?
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