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  1. Maybe you're just a big baby.
  2. That is a great game, and I say that with zero sarcasm.
  3. I thought the same thing but that presentation has made me pretty optimistic. I'm not the biggest fan of 7 by any means but it looks like they're putting some serious thought and effort into the remake, and that says a lot considering we're talking about Square-Enix. I'd argue this is one of the few things they've done that isn't a cash grab.
  4. that FF7 remake looks badass.
  5. That's a different character.
  6. Batman should be played by a woman. It's 2019, dammit.
  7. It's true. I own a couch. Why do I need both?
  8. I don't even own a bed.
  9. He was clearly using Trinity to get into Morpheus' pants.
  10. You're the only gay person I hate.
  11. He's basically Neo except not gay.
  12. I do that just because I spread the pb first and wipe the knife on the other piece of bread.
  13. Your dog hates you.
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