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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by ben0119

  1. No more rushing damn it! Also you'll get sick eating all those cakes. Even your favorite food loses its appeal when you gourge yourself on it. Oh another Shrine Maiden. We don't have to wait too long for the next Sailor Guardian thankfully. Still no Sailor V yet though. 😄
  2. I guess Sailor Moon's energy usually protects her from getting hurt. LOL crying over that little cut. Thanks for busting that clock, Tuxedo Mask!
  3. I wonder why Sailor Mercury doesn't get a pose and is just sorta standing there after transformation. You're just going to get lost and... WASTE TIME, Usagi. Nuuu Usagi got de-aged!
  4. Wow, hitting her head didn't even bring Usagi back to her senses. Transforming already hahaha. Would've been hilarious if the transformation stock footage was sped up. Luna saying it's not supposed to happen this soon in the episode lmao.
  5. https://youtu.be/ZOLpCWlsCjw?si=-dH1BPWcT7wL8ECH Video doesn't allow embedding booo. Anyway, everyone in this episode is just like the White Rabbit! And is Usagi named after a rabbit too on top of it?!
  6. Even Usagi fell for the trick oof. It's a good thing Ami is around and didn't fall for it. Wow a super computer of that size huh...
  7. Well at least school is already over. 🤣
  8. You know, you guys should really be suspicious of any new business that opens up shop in town from now on. Stop it with this rushing it's driving me nuts!
  9. Wow those outfits from the early 90s. 😄 I remember when they were new and that stuff was in style. D: I don't like wearing watches or jewelry. I can barely stand to wear the glasses I have to wear. 😄 If something is too good to be true... SEVEN clocks?! Alarm clocks boooo! The clock has a sinister feel to it haha.
  10. Yeah, I don't like being rushed or given a time limit in games or every day life!
  11. At least Barto is able to control himself and come back to his senses, unlike Sanji. 😄
  12. I thought the horns were part of his hat for the longest time haha. Another possibility I just came up with is Dillinger is half bull shark fishman, and bull sharks have actual horns in One Piece. But, he's half Fighting Fish?? I sure hope this was because of genetic engineering and not someone getting it on with a fish!
  13. Wow Robin actually managed to restrain Cavendish in time. Wow she made giant arms. To be continued nooooo.
  14. Cavendish will attack anyone when he gets like this, not just enemies, unfortunately. Don't taunt him, Barto, you moron! Forgot a spot lmao. Noooo not Nami. Of course he'd go after Barto and Nami and not Gladius. 😄
  15. You're calling someone a monster you half-fighting fish fuck?! Dillinger down! I wonder what happened to trigger Cavendish's berserker mode. Looks like the creepy theatre mask.
  16. Well, I can see that. It is another scavenger hunt scenario, but the action might be good.
  17. Well, it's a heist where they have to find a cure to a virus. So a scavenger hunt treasure heist sort of deal. The MacGuffin doesn't have to be actual jewels or gold or something.
  18. He really is half Fishman. No, half fighting fish? Don't want to know how he was conceived! Thank you, Cavendish! Dillinger was super annoying!
  19. No idea why this popped into my head, but it occurred to me that if you have 2 elbows on each arm like the long arm tribe, you could steal mail at the post office, since the post office boxes are right next to each other and have no covers on the back. 😄
  20. Sorry, but even as a leg man, that's just more body horror for me, Robin. Calm down Barto you freak! Amazing how the goons get harmlessly thrown from the explosion and not just killed by it. He's from the long arm tribe?
  21. LOL Bartolomeo actually let Cavendish in at the last moment.
  22. She's also disappeared along with Brook, Sanji, and Chopper. They literally got put on a boat lol.
  23. Really? Lazarus looks pretty cliche to me. It'a basically just another form of a high stakes heist with a time limit. Like I said, hopefully it is better than it appears. Visuals and action seem good at least.
  24. Doflamingo betrayed you first, moron. 😑 Gladius made the whole area into a bomb. Whelp. Wow Bartolomeo you asshole. 😄
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