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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. You can't expect such an epic tale that interrupts a boring war involving every ninja to be told in just one episode.
  2. They're having these ptsd flashbacks during the middle of a war... Also where the fuck are Sasuke and his family, they should all be alive during this flashback.
  3. Or that there was like an orphanage...or that they would have given him a nanny or something. Hyuga clan had some maids they could have spared.
  4. Didn't have the budget for wet clothes or hair I guess
  5. Wonder when she's going to end up in one of these mixers
  6. Manga was written back in 2019 for this arc I forget is this is filler.
  7. Probably shouldn't eat garlic on a date.
  8. Chirst did they give her implants between arcs? They were no way that large before
  9. Nero ate bugs, berries, and bird seed for 100 years
  10. Wonder if Rebecca is going to ask to have his kids before he's killed
  11. They should have water mommy at the mixer.
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