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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. But how much of American beef and pork is sustainably farmed or as lean as deer?
  2. Clearly. Just from this thread alone
  3. Disagree. Worse for you and the environment ... American beef and pork anyway
  4. They also taste really good
  5. They legally allow people to hunt deer to keep their populations under control. If you're not out here hunting endangered animals to extinction, what's the problem?
  6. She didn't react but it's not like I was looking at her cleavage in a low cut top. She had on a t-shirt but every since she had her last baby them things just be sitting up there
  7. Spent all day watching Blue Eye Samurai ... didn't expect there to be so much fucking in it, but alas
  8. I had a meeting with my supervisor and I'm afraid she noticed me staring at her boobs
  9. This is the response I mentioned therapy about. I never said anything about mandating all single men go to therapy or as a default solution to your OP. You just seemed to try and dismiss the solutions therapy can provide by coming up with more details for a specific scenario that wasnt mentioned in the OP but still demonstrate problems that can be identified and worked through in therapy.
  10. Then what was your point? Everybody learns coping skills, they just maybe maladaptive coping skills. The therapy helps you identify the maladaptive coping skills and unhelpful patterns of behavior and thoughts then gives you the tools to use better ones. Sounds like an excuse not to go to therapy ... or say its ineffective
  11. The therapist will teach you the coping skills you need so that you will use them on your own to get you through life situations. You have to put in the work, not the therapist
  12. Let the community care for you Or troll you ... I guess Like 50/50
  13. Thats where therapy comes in, assuming you want to to deprogram
  14. Sounds having a safe space would be helpful. Are you a safe space for others?
  15. I think that's where people get frustrated. Do you want to just vent or do you want me to offer advice and help you form a solution. I know I tell people to bitch check me to make sure I'm reacting appropriately or am I overreacting XD
  16. Now the content in these videos. The first video: I agree 100% if I ask to take you out, I say my treat, that means I'm going to pay. It's different if he asked you on the date. Even when somebody asks you out on a date as a woman, you still need to have enough money to pay for your own food and way to get back home. The second video is tomfoolery. If you have a stay at home spouse raising children, his whole argument is stupid.
  17. Me logging into Facebook after years OMG .. before I address the content .... I got other petty issues In the first video: Why you up here making a video without putting lotion on your knuckles and advertising cheezits in the reflection of your glasses? He pissed me off stopping the goddamn story to give life advice. Just finish the goddamn story. 2nd video: You talking plenty shit to have them wrinkled up ass curtains straight out the Walmart pack
  18. I'll preface my response by saying I'm a mental health professional so my default response is men need be able to process, express, feel their feelings. That type of mentality where men aren't suppose to have feelings/express them is toxic AF. You should be allowed to be sensitive and cry and everything else. The women that get grossed out or perpetuate that men are weak for crying/having feelings are toxic AF too. Also I would 100% expect to go fishing or be in a deer stand at 4am if that's the hobbies my partner likes and wants me to try. Reciprocity and having a genuine interest in the other person I feel like is a given. So I guess my question is .... is it really that men don't want to pour their hearts out or is it that they just have been told/ conditioned that they're not supposed to that has them unwilling to do it. You have an entire population of men that would rather go out and engage in risky behavior then talk about their feelings and childhood. Then the very society that contributed to these toxic expectations act surprised that suicide rates are so high
  19. Now it all makes sense
  20. Also explain further how "I can do bad by myself" is toxic for a man. I feel like it would be the same .... unless we're talking about how the expectation isn't equal across the board. Society expects a man to be independent but not so much for a woman? Is that it? I'm not understanding 100%
  21. Companionship? Human connection? Someone to unburden yourself with? Somebody I can drag to comic con to have fun with knowing they will wear deodorant Please explain to me what a soft phase man is because I have no idea what that is. My only understanding of a passport bro is like a sex tourist or those white dudes from 90 day fiance that say American women are too difficult so Imma travel overseas to find a submissive Asian woman I can exploit.
  22. Also .... what is this tagging stuff?? Is it not cool to just quote and reply or what?
  23. Everything on the list are things an adult should be able to do. You don't have to fix/build/repair things yourself but you should know how to find resources to get things fixed/built/repaired Anybody being emotionally available all the time is unrealistic So aside from those things ... being an independent adult is the minimum
  24. I personally don't have time to raise an adult. I can do bad by myself. What I'm seeing the aunties/my mom's generation complain about is these men that demand a special level of respect for being the man of the house/head of the family but aren't putting in the work to earn it. You're not the sole bread winner, you're not protecting your family .... like what is it that you do that I don't that elevates your status higher than mine? That I should defer to you ... because you have a dick ... and the dick isn't even that good?
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