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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. I liked that one. Some of them make you think about things.
  2. I don't know what you're talking about that's a good episode. He doesn't trust me now XD
  3. Don't make me shake you
  4. In fact I think they reshuffled the order they originally put them in. None of the stories really follow each other. They may have like some Easter eggs or references in them but the stories are pretty self contained
  5. There is no order to Black Mirror.
  6. I told you to watch Striking Vipers XD
  7. Sir WHAT??
  8. We all know what it is
  9. You understand that we get the dog and the chips and you get Ghostrek right?
  10. Okay ... let's do it. We'll trade you Ghostrek to do with as you wish for like .... one corgi puppy and .... uh .... a bag of Ruffles
  11. Is Spiderman's suit a one piece super suit? How do the spider people keep their suits closed?
  12. Consent is too hard .... you just go up to em and grab em by the genitals to see if their assets are past their prime Sorry ma'am but that coochie's a lil expired Unfortunately sir .... that dick has gone bad.
  13. Thought you just wanted to randomly remind everybody that Kudasai's dad definitely smashed that woman on his massage table.
  14. Why wait? Watch Striking Vipers today
  15. When he slid that chair out to him
  16. "Asset that's past its prime" sounds problematic to me though if I'm being honest
  17. See ... I told you if you watched Striking Vipers before you would know
  18. So ... what you're saying is its okay to be like .... "and your dick is trash" on the way out then?
  19. Damn .... you told that lady her coochie is past its prime to her face???
  20. Opening msg: "Ive never dated a black girl before but" .... well dont start now *block*
  21. I dont like people. You could be talking about how awkward/unnerving one particular quest in Cyberpunk 2077 is and then oh here's my dick get off my phone .... and its not even an impressive one
  22. Im hurting myself listening to this but I dont know why I cant stop
  23. Im thinking about taking some ASL classes ... but also dont want to be assigned homework
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