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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. I suppose we should consider Toei wanting more than one week of Daima in theaters before a dub broadcast... but since they're showing 3 episodes in theaters maybe they're good with Toonami showing the first episode on November 16th or November 23rd. But on the other hand they may want to wait till December (easy enough just do a Thanksgiving marathon if there aren't enough premieres) or even January (yet more marathons at the end of the month and maybe double One Piece if they need a temporary fix). Hard to imagine Toei would make Crunchyroll wait until January to start streaming the dub exclusively (or shared with Hulu and/or Netflix) when it's already in production and has been for weeks. December maybe. It would sure suck if streamers got it in December and Toonami didn't till January or later but that's up to the whims of Toei.
  2. HCC plays best as a marathon due to it's drawn out pacing in the first 2-3 episodes but it seems like they missed a good opportunity to run weekly on the same nights as Uzumaki. Since they were real boneheads and didn't run the dub on Toonami and forced people to wait till Thursday I'll say what they should have done was run the Uzumaki dub after One Piece and HCC on the same nights the sub episodes premiered. They could have done that for the entire month. Awkward as it might have been they could just run double MHA after those if they didn't want to disrupt that. BTW they're doing an Uzumaki dub marathon on Thursday October 31st. Makes sense to run it on Halloween night (even though it's not Halloween after 12am) but they could have ran the sub that night and the dub on Toonami to switch things up. I swear if they toss the dub of Uzumaki or worse the dub of RATAM on Toonami in November airing once a week I'm gonna flip some tables or something. I can definitely see them doing one or the other as filler if MHA is back in premieres and Demon Slayer stays in premieres but if Demon Slayer can rerun in the back then they don't need either of them to fill a slot. Cap the block at 3am except on the weeks when Demon Slayer runs long. But RATAM seems destined to fill a post 3AM slot on Saturday, it just doesn't have to be as part of Toonami.
  3. It’s beyond asinine at this point to withhold the dub of Uzumaki from the Toonami faithful to this extent. 2.5 hours of subbed anime we just finished watching and probably don’t want to revisit because the production fell apart. Great idea programming! 👍🏻 It was so easy to play this off as a red carpet premiere of the dub for Toonami but they blew it. I will not put it past them to use the dub as filler in November to try to squeeze out one more airing of the dub this year. At any rate the decision to keep MHA on probably means season 7 is coming in November but there’s still 6 episodes to rerun in November before that. They can use DST to add at least 2 more without cutting into the pre-2:30 space but they might as well run 6 episodes either after One Piece or omit One Piece and DBZ Kai to make it a theme night with just IFG and MHA to promote MHA season 7. Alternatively if they plan to continue Demon Slayer into the next 8 episode arc then they could run IFG from 12am-1am followed by the long premiere of Demon Slayer’s Hashira Training arc and then either blow through 6 eps of MHA so it can also start season 7 on November 9th. I call that the “we can’t get Daima till 2025” scenario. Mainly because there’s no sense using 4 potential headliners simultaneously in the last two months of the year. Exceedingly better to save at least one for 2025, granted MHA and Daima both last about half a year so even if they both started in November they will still be headliner material till Spring. Starting Daima in November would be disruptive no matter how they do it, but that won’t likely deter them from airing it ASAP if Toei grants them dub premieres. Even if it means three weeks of strange schedules where current premieres get shifted around. DBZ Kai on Saturday will now be encores of the episode on Rewind. They should drop it from the Saturday block but they’re so short on good rerun options if MHA is back in premieres and/or Demon Slayer continues to the next arc. Sure would be nice to see IGPX season 2 but they just refuse to bring it back. So they’re probably keeping DBZ Kai on both blocks. I edited my builds to accommodate the announced Oct 26th schedule.
  4. Thanks for catching that numbering error with Daima. Yeah it’s time to let Naruto get the extra episode for a bit in all fairness but honestly my reasoning was because the first season of Sailor Moon is 46 episodes and I’m not sure if they have more than that.
  5. I love Beast Wars so I’m all about this!
  6. It was at least relatively straightforward storytelling for once but hell if I understood it all.
  7. The trailer wasn’t great though it did show off the animation well enough. I swear most modern trailers make me want to watch movies less than I did before seeing the trailer. Companies are just bad at hyping up their stuff these days. I’m still gonna go see it but I’m definitely less interested than I was prior to watching that trailer. I love Bauza’s Bugs and Daffy but his Porky is nowhere near as good as Bergan’s and that’s not doing the movie any favors. Also why the hell isn’t Marvin the Martian the antagonist? Bauza’s perfect as Marvin too. I really hope this doesn’t flop.
  8. I made several builds with various options. Some with only two additions, some with three. None with a Thanksgiving marathon because I kinda feel like they wont take that week off with IFG starting in November but they certainly could. Plausible additions being MHA S7 with various catch-up methods before November 9th, Mashle (or sub in anything here they could possibly get from Aniplex or Sentai here), a not zero percent chance of Demon Slayer continuing into Hashira Training arc and finishing it before January and of course some chance for Dragon Ball Daima to pop in on November 16th (at the earliest) but because they started IFG on Nov 2nd and can't feasibly start Daima's long premiere until two weeks later, that one requires getting a bit more creative. I'd straight up just run two episodes of IFG for two weeks but according to press release there will usually be just one episode a week (I'm gonna say an hour finale is plenty likely still despite that). And I'm not too partial to the 3am slot so I don't think they need to keep it just for the sake of including another rerun. I've all but lost hope IGPX season 2 is ever going to air. Here's the link to my schedule builds. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Hv-nyPzJYWQ2hAg6h-4295UM4CvevsJvXa9O8vkvmVE/edit?usp=sharing
  9. Honestly if that does bomb they kind of have every reason to not only fire DeMarco but also to close down that anime and action animation long-form division entirely because who else are they gonna get to run it and why even have it? They can keep co-funding anime without it, the first Batman Ninja had nothing to do with DeMarco or that division of the WB Animation, the 2nd one and Suicide Squad Isekai were gonna happen without that division as well. I suppose they could wait to see how Rooster Fighter and Lazarus pan out and Ninja Kamui was a successful enough project but between underwhelming critics and not making any real money, the majority of DeMarco's co-pros are a bad enough track record already so failing with Lord of the Rings could easily be the last straw. Unfortunately for him, even if its a great movie, it will not likely have a great box office. Potentially enough to offset production and marketing but it would be unusual for a movie like this to do well in theaters.
  10. Maybe in 2021 this was still true but it sure didn’t stay that way.
  11. Like I said the only somewhat surprising thing is Toonami didn’t just get the encore. That was always in question.
  12. One hour premiere on November 2nd on Toonami. I’ll say I’m at least a little surprised Toonami gets the premieres instead of Thursday. Probably will get encores Fridays at 7pm like Superman did. We know the first November show now.
  13. Sounds like it's well into production. About half the episodes are animated out of the 10. He's excited for Common Side Effects. Fixed is complete and Sony is trying to find a distributor. His other movie at Sony is coming along. Man... Disney turned him down for making a super hero cartoon? WE COULD HAVE HAD PEAK MARVEL! Instead he worked on Iron Man 2's action storyboards and well... can't say it saved the movie at all. He also touched on Sym-Bionic Titan. Encouraging that he thinks there's a possibility to make more but discouraging that he admits the Netflix numbers weren't good enough to get companies interested in paying for more episodes.
  14. I guess it was overly ambitious to believe every episode would look as nice as the first one did. The story is still compelling though.
  15. Hopefully that means they won’t just play the sub of Lazarus on Toonami.
  16. Ouch, less than 150k for Uzumaki. Seems like a very bad Saturday and Thursday RATAM actually beat every premiere on Toonami for once. It’s doing numbers on Max so Uzumaki is fine but I wonder if the dub did better last night.
  17. That was inevitable. Frankly AS was stupid not to air the dub later in Toonami. It’s good that it’s on Max the next day but not everyone who wanted watch the dub also has Max.
  18. Or maybe they get it in November because this still qualifies as “after Netflix” but yeah I expect Spring.
  19. That was the only thing in the episode that was nightmare fuel for me though cutting fingerprints hurt the most to look at. Arguably the realistic bullying was the most disturbing moment overall but the eye thing was pure nightmare fuel. I hate that it’s basically the key art for the show everywhere you look. Uzumaki means spiral and Naruto was named after the spiral shaped fish cake that’s used as a garnish on ramen and other soups. So his whole name is a pun. Screeners were sent out for review before the premiere. That’s how people already saw the entire first episode.
  20. RATAM held on to nearly all of the viewers that were watching Rick and Morty at 11:30pm that Saturday. I know some people won't watch the dub because of the different voices (I've gotten used to them) but I still can't hardly believe the subbed airing is beating the dub airing. Though there's enough reason to believe the dub would have done better on Toonami than it is on Thursdays so that's reasonably a factor. On the other hand, this and Uzumaki might prove that subtitled anime can work on Toonami.
  21. November 16th on the other hand... "That's doable" They could wait till January but if they have the opportunity to start it in late November or even the first week of December, they'll likely do that. The simulcast is being shared between Hulu and Crunchyroll so it's exclusive to neither and the first 3 dubbed episodes are coming to theaters in early November. Regardless of when it happens, it seems inevitable that Toonami will air Daima. But if they're holding out for a November 16th premiere then we're in for up to 3 weeks of marathons or other forms of stalling.
  22. The first episode is fantastic. Positive reviews are plentiful.
  23. Crocodile is a bit of a let down. Nothing against the guy, I enjoy a lot of his performances and I do want to see his Crocodile but I think they should have gone with someone less recognizable for such an important role.
  24. I didn’t even consider the possibility of them moving Kai ahead of One Piece but if they have nothing else then I wouldn’t put it past them. 🤢 Guy, with regard to One Piece doubling up usually leading to weeks off the schedule. Even if it takes as long as once a week uninterrupted, double stripping One Piece and taking off a few weeks still does wonders for the sense of pacing. The same way most people prefer to watch a few episodes of One Piece in a marathon once a week rather than one daily. But ultimately I understand you want people to escape the Genjutsu and realize Toonami is doing nothing.
  25. You got 3 weeks, would you rather have double One Piece or a rerun of FLCL Grunge? 🤣 For a moment there I was hopeful double One Piece would shift to 1:30-2:30 when Uzumaki came in but of course not. We can’t have 5 premieres even for 4 weeks. 🤨 Strange that they didn’t bother with a 09/28 schedule post but I can confirm the screener of Uzumaki ep 1 is 24~ mins. The question is if ep 3 is also 30+ mins or if oddly only eps 2 and 4 are longer than standard. It’s good at least two episodes are longer and won’t be crunched for time but for consistency sake I wish they were all 30+ mins. Now they need 2.5+ hours for the marathon. Unless Daima is coming on 11/02 I’m leaning toward a marathon that night. Either a needless RATAM marathon or an MHA catch-up if they’re ready to start season 7 in November. They have the free space of IFG to use whenever but I remain hopeful that there will be two other block premieres in November besides IFG.
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