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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. They listed it for an hour under the title of ep 2 but did play trimmed down versions of eps 1 and 2. No OPs, no previews, no EDs, they kept at least one eye catch but no credit roll whatsoever. Pretty sure having no credits at all is a violation of some kind. Over at the website they will premiere their own anime on February 27th with NFTs. Enter the Garden: Fractured Deflections. Visually, it does look better the FLCL Grunge and some of Uzumaki. Big 2000s Gonzo vibes.
  2. They can air Primal season 3 (if only an encore) then they could easily hold out till mid-September. You do have a point about the optics of ending with Lazarus. They did say they hope to do multiple seasons of Lazarus and letting it “kill Toonami” sure won’t help that prospect.
  3. I wouldn't put it past them for a second.
  4. Anyway... here's some boring predictions with no surprise pick ups for the rest of the entire year https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ha_HbLH7wwHn-mCX2VDheEKnc81AKvwTb2oh7qeRdmo/edit?usp=sharing
  5. Yeah I was thinking they might have got it extended so that it would last as long as Naruto and Sailor Moon or as you suggested they were able to start it early. I guess we'll see what happens in June. They need to show something substantial in April besides just Lazarus if they want to keep their audience interested and if they fail to do that then the writing really is on the wall. While we certainly don't know for sure how difficult or costly it is to get shows from Sentai, Viz and Aniplex, it's hard not to think they have simply given up on everything because CR walked away from the table. If WB/D gave a shit, Toonami could afford DanDaDan, the new Gundam series GKIDS is distributing and I dunno Witch Watch (also from MBS like DanDaDan) or they could be airing Scavengers Reign, Suicide Squad Isekai and Harley Quinn. But NOPE. Lazarus could be the last anime co-production that airs on Toonami. Nothing says Rooster Fighter has to air on Toonami whenever it does drop. And I don't even hate the idea of an Adult Swim where action animation has to be ghettoed onto a Saturday night block. To save what's left of Toonami's dignity it's better to go out with Lazarus than to become a perpetual rerun block with an occasional original series. But that said, I don't think we're quite at the end of the road just yet. If come April have nothing but Lazarus, One Piece and reruns which are all expected to expire by June then it would be completely believable that Toonami will close up shop on July 5th with a Lazarus marathon which was preceded by a Lazarus marathon the week prior just like Ninja Kamui had.
  6. While I have all but resolved to the likelihood that Grunge will begat Shoegaze and double Blue Exorcist will continue until morale improves (aka April). There’s a sliver of possibility we can get something on March 15th in time for Toonami’s anniversary on the 17th. It’s anyone’s guess if that will be Dr. Stone, Daima, Demon Slayer Hashira or something much less expected. If the goal is to be well stocked by April they should really add something in March so it doesn’t all have to start in April. If they intend to rerun all the FLCLs they could boot Kai from 2am to do so. Regarding Kai, while it certainly looks like they have a 2 year contract for 47 eps, maybe it’s not quite that long? It would be unusual but maybe it’s an 14 month contract or something. And while restarting it only to immediately remove it might seem pointless to us. Consider the optics of them reaching 47 then pulling it off the week after. A lot of viewers wouldn’t realize the reason it was pulled was because they don’t have more episodes. When they restart it, it’s much more obvious why they would remove it mid-run. That said, they will assuredly air Kai for as long as they have it under contract so more likely it will stick around.
  7. I guess week 4 is MHA eps 3 and 4. So they’re just gonna keep this every other week shit going even when Fate isn’t hour episodes.
  8. Well I suppose they could pull Kai in April but they’ll only do that if there’s something to fill both 12:30 and 1am when BE season 1 ends and they need a second slot for Lazarus’ sub.
  9. You gotta freak’n kidding me… they bought a 2 year license for just 47 eps of Kai as block filler last year and didn’t bother to get more that whole year? At least swap Sailor Moon to 2am if you’re restarting Kai you absolute morons!!! While it’s certain they only got a years worth of all 3 Rewind shows. Now I’m not so sure Naruto and Sailor Moon expire in June. They might also be 2 year licenses. Either way they’re just filling space.
  10. Very minimalistic simple bumpers they didn’t even really plug the website. It had a clean look though. If the goal is to drive people to anime.com there's like ZERO synergy for that besides including the URL in the logo. Meanwhile at anime.com you can't do anything that relates to the block. Seems like they might have a live chat eventually but it's currently locked. You'd think people pushing crypto and claiming to be building something in the anime fandom that they'd have more going on with their website and social interactions. You can hand wave the lineup due to the limitations of what they can license right away but having basically nothing on the website much less anything that correlates with the TV block, isn't a very solid start for this "movement" as Zag puts it. But they couldn't have picked a better time to try to draw the Toonami audience away, that is if they were only airing on Saturdays.
  11. Yes, they did dub the OVA’s. Apologies I mixed up the times. It was at 11:30 today and will be at 12:30 next week.
  12. Noon EST tomorrow and it moves to 11:30am the Saturday after. Who is ready to revisit one of the Toonami crew’s least liked shows? I sure am! Silverhawks and Plastic Man also join early mornings with The Superfriends. They weren’t on Toonami but maybe some of you are interested in watching them.
  13. Finger on the pulse and it’s old Fate and MHA? Yeaaaaah nah. Arguably just as outdated as DeMarco’s picks tend to be at the time. I will give them credit that Fate is still relevant but getting UBW a decade late isn’t any better than Toonami getting Mob a few years late or potentially getting BE Kyoto soon. Don’t even get me started on MHA which Toonami already aired. Where’s Solo Leveling? Where’s JJK? Where’s Re:Zero? Maybe they will happen if this thing lasts but the starting lineup is basically old news. If they can get CR titles why not get something other than MHA which hasn’t been on cable before? JJK is right there and frankly pairs much better with Fate. Watch them get Demon Slayer next.
  14. Look we all know DeMarco can be abrasive but why are we jumping to the conclusion that he specifically pissed off CR? The one tweet when he vented about Witch from Mercury? The several times he said CR priced them out? Going around CR to get shows from the Japanese producers? Actually yes, all of those and potentially more. He has periodically pointed directly at CR to blame them for shows never coming to Toonami and one could argue that was stupid and unprofessional no matter how difficult CR has become to work with since Sony bought them. He should not have tried to throw them under the bus because his bosses are cheapskates that won’t pay competitive rates for anime. CR is clearly willing to offer relatively new seasons to other platforms as we have seen with Netflix and Hulu. Netflix gets new Demon Slayer after a few months and Hulu gets MHA and others after a few months because they will pay up. So if AS would pay the same they would probably do business with Toonami despite DeMarco’s behavior. But they’re not about to cut them any of the sweet deals AS got from FUNimation. AXS isn’t even a blip on the radar so CR just sees this as a way to get a bit more money out of old episodes and if it takes potential options away from Toonami and gives DeMarco the bird then all the better in their eyes. I do see that as petty on CRs part but no less petty than what DeMarco and AS have done. Obviously I would like CR to work with Toonami because they have a vast backlog. As much as I dislike what CR has become and do not think that AS should bow down to the empire to get some shows, I don’t think they are the only parties that are making the relationship unrepairable. I think everyone involved in the on going pissing contest should just grow up.
  15. I dunno… it’s been months since the season ended and Toonami has had plenty of openings but there’s no sign of it coming. I don’t think CR sold exclusive broadcast rights to AXS but they very well could have.
  16. Dunno if it was money or spite from CR (maybe both) but this no name channel snatching the cable rights to MHA while AS sits in complacency is a real bad look. It might not be exclusive and obviously it’s not season 7 but it could keep Toonami from obtaining more MHA for at least a year if it’s an exclusive cable rights deal. I hope the block on AXS TV doesn’t immediately get the boot. It has a rather desirable time slot (for the channel) right after TNA Wrestling at 10pm along with an encore opposite of Toonami. It’s only an hour and they aren’t promoting it so far but AXS is giving anime a better time slot than a network that has aired anime for decades. That should really be a wake up call for AS but it probably won’t be. Maybe CR cut AXS a great deal on just the broadcast rights (no streaming or cable VOD) but there should be no reality where AXS can outbid AS for any anime much less MHA. I really don’t see how that’s possible unless CR showed favoritism in the dealings. And the worst case scenario is that the AXS block is immediately pulled but the rights they obtained last a year or longer.
  17. Probably just a mistake but these periodical flubs are starting to add up.
  18. I do not doubt those shows expire come June and they will shorten the block when they leave unless they wanna drag GITS out or actually finish IGPX in HD. It is insanity that they couldn't even manage 2 premieres a month into the year and it bodes very badly for the future.
  19. I busted out laughing in the bathroom during my break at work today when I saw this. They truly have outdone themselves with this one. IFG gets pulled at ep 6 showing they could have arbitrarily done that at any time and they're doing it on ep 6 which is a two part story with ep 7. They do not give a shit. I think this show is gonna get written off at the end of physical year. Which I think is the end of February that checks out. Better buy it on digital before the end of the month. Double Blue Exorcist as expected but... a month early. Yikes. And they bring in the most loathed FLCL sequel right after the Pillows disband? I'm with Guy on this one, that's like taking a dump on the legacy even if it includes the last song they ever recorded. I don't think there's even a full length version of that song and that annoys me greatly. Theorectically that could just be the first FLCL they revisit, they could end up rerunning the other, maybe in chronological order of sorts, the timeline is stupid. And we're down to ONE premiere and it's in the exact middle of the block. INCREDIBLE. You have to suffer through the worst reruns to get to One Piece and the good reruns. What a shit show. They would have gotten more views from sticking Sailor Moon reruns at Midnight, there's little doubt in my mind. But the layup would have been DBZ Kai. Nobody is going to watch this shit and if anyone does they should be booed for doing so willingly.
  20. Definitely not mostly a comedy and it’s great to see AS branch out like this with a serialized drama that isn’t anime or Genndy. You can see some Scavengers in its DNA too which isn’t surprising given the creative team. I feel it’s off to a strong start and hope it does well.
  21. Might have suited Dante better I suppose.
  22. That is the most 2000s thing possibly ever. Should’ve gone with click click boom.
  23. Yeah they probably are waiting for Common to end because they are sparse on premieres for the network in general and want to space them out even if they’re on different nights. Common is on Sundays but the dub of Lazarus will probably air on Thursdays be it before or after the sub on Toonami. Anyone else notice Primal has been rerunning at midnight on Sundays lately? It just finished season 2 and is leaving but it was there for a bit and even encored at 3:30am.
  24. It is precisely my concern that Adult Swim will continue to premiere the dubs of original anime outside of Toonami either to get a show on Max on Fridays or because they want to milk these originals like they did with RATAM and Uzumaki. A truly baffling move for Toonami given its long history of only airing dubbed anime outside of shorts and one movie as part of an elaborate gag.
  25. Here's some more piss to pour on the situation... There's a very real possibility that come April, Toonami won't even get the dub premiere of Lazarus and the dub premieres 2 days prior on Thursday 5 days later on the following Thursday. Imagine Toonami in such a state not even getting to premiere a show that was made for the block? The absolute state of absolute states. Starting the year off with a full quarter of nothingness does indeed mean that any additional lulls will mean 4-6 months total are a wash. It wouldn't take much. Lazarus should end right around 4th of July so that's perfect timing right? Kill 2 weeks right there because heaven forbid they give Toonami a full night so they can get through 13 episodes in one night like what was attempted with Harley Quinn (which they still messed up in the end). Despite all that Toonami will stay on the air its just really gonna suck unless you like reruns of the same shows.
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