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Everything posted by zombieninjakitten

  1. @katt_goddess I’m gonna use that little fucker for firewood!
  2. I’ve been playing Ninja Gaiden 2 on Xbox 360 and I must say I’m addicted. There is a pawn shop down the street that sells video games for $2 and I get some great games there. The only thing is that I have to endure the mind numbing mansplaining from this one guy who works there. Basically, his rhetoric is masking the thought that, “you won’t be able to play this or like this because you’re a girl.” *barf* Anyway, I don’t think this game is all that difficult. I mean, I’ve played far worse. It’s challenging, yes, but not GameFAQ consultation needed challenging if you know what I mean. I even thought the Sega Genesis version was awesome. Are there any other fans lurking around here?
  3. You’re like...the perfect woman. Marry me. 🤓
  4. Yeah, cigarettes are disgusting. I’m an on again off again smoker. I usually pick up a pack when I’m stressed. I’d much rather smoke something else but the dude I buy from had his phone disconnected. ☹️
  5. I meant my perfect man at the Dollar Tree a couple of days ago! He’s intelligent, a good listener, quiet, stealthy, good with his hands and I can also carry him in my pocket wherever I go. He lets me call him 🦂 Scorpion too. I’m so in love 🥰. I hope @katt_goddess isn’t too jealous! Anyway, here’s a photo of my beautiful man! * ( *Please note: no, I’m not off my meds. )
  6. I like the cheese wrap and the caramel apple empanada. I wish there was a Taco Bell closer to wear I live. 🙁
  7. Oh, I didn’t see where you said it was for a 401k withdrawal.
  8. I’m on SSI/Disability and they told me when I was approved 12 years ago that I was required to have direct deposit.
  9. I’m in T-shirt and boxers at the moment but I always leave the house pantsless. Oh, and when I post here. I wonder where that draft is coming from.
  10. Pretty much my sad, pathetic life at the moment. *whine*whine*
  11. I just finished the first three seasons last night! Can’t wait for more!
  12. With some flair, of course.
  13. Oh no, I'm here, taking notes dearest.
  14. Nobody loves me. @katt_goddess won’t make me her gimp. Trump is an idiot. I hate neck beards who always mansplain Assassins Creed to me and use that as the reason why I hated that game. Truck nuts are for douchebags.
  15. I cannot wait until June 7th when their album is released!
  16. Danny Trejo is a god. Lady Gaga is awesome. And I want that strap-on. (If you’ve seen it you know what I mean.)
  17. The crazy cat ladies and cat men will appreciate this! You’re welcome!
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  18. Oh stop douchebag I know either here or when I call you tomorrow you’re going take a dig at me. And remember, you were at the comic store with me!
  19. You guys are being mean. Do not make me spank each of you. 👿
  20. I know this forum is mostly for posting stuff to joke around and not take things to seriously but I’m kind of serious sometimes and about serious things sometimes and I just wanted to share this. 😎 That’s all!
  21. Don’t you dare look at me @katt_goddess!
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