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Everything posted by TriviuT

  1. its really obvious
  2. looks like they suck dick this year actually go phils
  3. if you dont think i have access to the reason why ya'll dont ban him you're mistaken. I'll literally take this one for the team here - "Website activity, a couple of users will leave if Zeni gets banned." So joke around all you want with him to appease certain users and their hate for him, but you're not fooling anyone. you're not gonna ban him, ever.
  4. I appreciate your optimism, but i'm just hoping nuclear winter kills people that deserve it when it comes in our life time.
  5. fuck off dont let a pedophile post then you shit excuse for a moderator.
  6. You have no life.
  7. wait are you really a bernie fan?
  8. plz no
  9. I always looked at her as a painted whore. Prob was too. I know someone who knew someone who went to HS with her in Cali. Apparently it ruined her life (back then), now she does acting and voice acting roles in random shit.
  10. Just buy weed and go to the movies.
  11. This looks really good actually. Except for the Ed Sheeran part.
  12. TriviuT


  13. my dick is huge stop it
  14. thanks. i feel like im the bad guy most of the time.
  15. oooo surprised you're being civil with me you had the 'big bad viper' hit on you the other day. most people would run for the hills
  16. vegeta is a shit character and will always be second to goku
  17. also let me actually reply to this now and explain why you're wrong. you don't have to cheat while stream sniping. Only thing that makes it cheating is if you look at their literal screen or map position. Something i don't do. now i'd link you all to my twitch channel, but i would give you all about 5 minutes before my mods ban you, because unlike this place, twitch deals with money and has to play the PC card.
  18. I don't look at the map and follow people like 99% of other stream snipers do. I merely tell em im trying to hop in their game and i get the timing right. i dont go back to another monitor or their stream etc to see where they are on the map. The only thing i have to go by is when i see people die at the top right hand corner of every battle royal is, and the sound of nearby gunshots that coincide with deaths near by.
  19. fyi i am viper, my phone is logged into one account and my comp is logged into another. lazy.
  20. I like how there are people on here bored enough to make alts during their life's pathetic constant free time, with the sole purpose of trollbaiting and shit posting. Jesus Christ get a fucking life.
  21. Shutup you waste of sperm.
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