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Everything posted by 🍬Candy🍬

  1. Yes. I consolidated all my credit debt into one payment and then bounced
  2. Kmat measly $5 after tax was not worth it...but target pays twice that. I can handle that! I was fired from there years ago but i know i can get them to hire me back https://www.wistv.com/news/national/2019/09/10/target-ups-hiring-more-than-holidays/?fbclid=IwAR1Ht4TGYpTDldNst0hhZ0uU9PQ-4yJ6Xfg9JahpMSNT2iE-j8f_ay-oGz8
  3. I love this thread
  4. I would break his skinny asian ass
  5. With or without icing
  6. Well hes fucking other bitches other than his wife 🤣🤣 See if its not me its gonna be somebody. You cant take someone as sexual as him and think theyre gonna go without. Not for long, anyway.
  7. I use it cuz it exists. I dont need it or nothing
  8. Let see...ive found gum, food, toys...to name a few things.
  9. I have to make it or madison will leave little surprises in it
  10. I finally managed to make my queen size bed (which is up against the wall) without her help!
  11. 😱 lol
  12. Its so silly. They throw money at men just for being men and you wanna be peter pan. Youll have no choice one day tho
  13. yah i haven't stopped looking for someone brave enough to fully claim me. Never that. Im a coward, too. Im not perfect in this. I had many chances I was too scared to take. We just admitted to each other how we feel about each this year...took 11 years lol. So who knows what will happen. I just know i can't shut him out. I tried. I cant do it. Keep crawling back. But my mind is always open for something better. Men are shit these days tho.
  14. Because your mom lives there?
  15. Amazon is $15/hr. Thats more $$ than youve ever seen. You could move out.
  16. I think he wants me to chase her off like i did this one girl he fucked behind my back. I went reaaalllly crazy. Threatened to kill her. Hacked his social media and chat and deleted her. THAT CRAZY. He loved that shit and hopes ill do it again. Thats why he keeps making videos of us and made that stupid kik chatroom. I could so easily fuck up his marriage but i dont wanna do that. I dont think she deserves it and I want him to be man enough to walk away for his own good. So i do have at least that amount of self respect im holding on to....for now.
  17. Has your mom tried to get you a job where she is? My mom doesn't work. Trust fund baby. I give her $$ and pay all her bills but two.
  18. A lot goes into divorce. Its in no way easy. I didn't want to marry him. She did. At the time when he told me he got engaged and then said afterwards "i did it" - i did nothing when i had the chance convinced she could make him happy and he'd ghost or dump me. I didn't think he'd still want to see me this far into the future and i didnt think hed move all the way back here. I really don't know what he is wanting at this point but i know when we are together its special to us and we have loads of fun and if he isnt wanting to end it, why should I really? Imma just see how it plays out.
  19. Its misogyny. They hate women or are self hating and want to blame everything on the woman. Sometimes you get with someone and you have never really experienced true love and then BAM it happens. Are you supposed to ignore it? Most do but the brave do not.
  20. So what u are saying is go for it cuz hes not married to my best friend cuz thats what im hearing.
  21. When my daughter was 3 she got away from me. She happily darted out the door and down the street. This is when i was still in somewhat good shape but she was still faster than me plus she caught me unawares. So she goes off down the street and i cant catch her. First shes 5 five away. Then 10..then further..to up about 5 yards away and im trailing behind her. She makes it all the way down the back steet and halfway to the entrance of the neighborhood before i get some people in their yard further down the street to catch her. She remembers doing this and thinks it was funny but i was so scared i didn't even beat her i just walked all the way back home with her.. she made it about half a mile from the house. It never happened again but if they take off when they are far enough away it can be hard to catch them.
  22. Turns out cyberbully was right. The toddlers know each other.
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