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Everything posted by CountFrylock

  1. the old grandpa's with nielsen boxes got bored
  2. well where would it go with Food Wars Being Picked up? they'd want to put the newer pick up's as a higher priority
  3. another theory you could look at if you don't wanna believe it's being removed is that since there's only five episodes left in the season it's not as much of a priority to have upfront
  4. we'll have to wait and see but i can't exactly see them being on good terms if toonami's just gonna dropkick MHA off the block and refuse to air S4 when it comes out MHA is one of Funimation's Flagship shows and to not have it on toonami would suck and mean It'd be exclusively on the funimation now service
  5. Toonami changes around the schedule way too much....by the time i get used to the new schedule it rotates shows again on the lineup
  6. like i said the rumor is that funimation and toonami were already butting-heads over the future and this could be toonami's way of putting their foot down on the matter
  7. yeah i do know how sample sizes I'm just saying i have doubts that many of the nielsen families are anime lovers The Nielsen System have been criticized for being horribly flawed for years and making it to where "Your viewership doesn't matter you don't matter to the networks but some rando who was picked totally by chance in Wisconsin matters" you don't think it's depressing that if everyone on this website stopped watching toonami there would barely be much of any change at all because we were chosen by the tv gods to determine the ratings? cause i think most people do
  8. i heard people speculating this might mean toonami's not getting the 4th season and they are just cutting ties with funimation altogether now
  9. most people watching aren't a nielsen family....i said you had to be selected at randomly and there aren't that many nielsen families overall compared to how many people actually view a show it's a very small group of people that decides what shows live and what shows die
  10. people are making guesses that DQ Hero will be by July 4th
  11. https://twitter.com/NintendoAmerica/status/1143957358319718400
  12. the worst part is people act like we can change the ratings....unless you were selected by the nielsen survey you have no impact on any of this did everyone just forget that?
  13. guess this confirms DBS is rerunning at the front when it ends
  14. dish went out a few nights ago and my mother was told the soonest thy'd send tech help was monday...so I'm watching on a free trial of Playstation vue and let me tell you it sucks! as soon as the internet has any hiccups Vue just pauses and it can be paused for what seems like forever...
  15. anyone find it weird the final boss is dead before the commercial break?
  16. this show would be doing better if Nielsen Boxes weren't such a factor
  17. it clearly was a bad idea putting this after AOT...two dreary shows
  18. we really should make a game night for this here.... this topic should be more active
  19. yeah and this just like i said paints toonami as this place people shouldn't want their shows on because it's so obscure and niche in this day and age
  20. it just seems like Toonami has this stigma of being for stuff that isn't good enough to be on at a reasonable time on a reasonable day in the eyes of people like Genndy
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