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Everything posted by Rumb0

  1. looks good at 1080z, 60 pimps only mode. Phillies[/member] would be jealous.
  2. I make $16/hr being a network admin and the building's only IT guy at some shitty firm that's bound to fail at the end of this decade. It's thankless work that definitely needs better $/hr, but at least I live a block away from work.
  3. Floof
  4. I'd like a Rem flesh-light. Model after the insides of her pussy.
  5. Positives: +Rem +Felix the Trap Negatives: -kinda generic -Sabaru is a terrible MC I give it a 4 out of 20; won't watch again.
  6. Continuation from the previous thread on the dead boards. Post your CFN's, discuss upcoming & current content, and share some strats or a combo video. ------ I have two CFN's one for PS4 and Steam. But as of now, I'm only playing on the PS4. My CFN for that console is "Osama-Bin-Laden". If you want to have a FT10 or battle lounge casuals, pm the PSN account connected to it. And make sure to play on a wired connection!
  7. I found them on the Ghetto Memes twitter page so u wrong about that
  8. Haha tru
  9. Even if you take every single precaution into account, it still won't save you from 0day exploits that exist on nearly every operating system with the exception of TempleOS. Even hardened BSD builds are affected. You can disable Javascript manually in about:config, you can have NoScript enabled globally, and set Tor's browser security settings to the absolute max on Gentoo with OpenRC using off-shore VPN's with a MAC address spoofer in the background while leeching off of WiFi access point, and it still won't stop the federales from peering into your computer. At the very least, it's better than the idiots who straight use Tor on Windows 10 with telemetry left running in the background.
  10. I would do nothing because Tor is compromised by the feds. At least 2/3's of the exit nodes from the U.S. are operated by the FBI.
  11. Did Kanye actually record the song with his mouth wired shut, or did he just write it after the accident?
  12. I had Cyberbully360[/member] hack my ISP to give me better download speeds.
  13. it varies from region to region. The far-east Russians eat snow and twigs. People in the Kawkaz eat generic halal food. Russians near Moscow drink the blood of Finns.
  14. hopefully, not everyone here is a Winfag or Macfag so we can have a circlejerk discussion surrounding Linux, BSD (who even uses this as desktop OS), and Temple OS (the best operating system). I only use Arch Linux.
  15. Tru
  16. But Roe and Mixer share the same posting habit.... where they make.... excessive use.... of.... ellipses.
  17. Get me a number 3 with cheese, brodie.
  18. Savage af, Dayne.
  19. Don't remind me of slyfoxx's nuanced race baiting. Crapshot on the other hand was unnecessarily confrontational in Babbling. His vitrolic form of liberalism was worse than westpark's blue-collar liberalism.
  20. C++ is easy af to learn. Just devote all free time to learning it and doing personal projects outside of school instead of wasting time on gayming. Haskell, brainfuck, and assembly (outside of the x86, ARM, and motorola 68000 range) is hard af.
  21. Farnsworth started appearing less and then just left after becoming the first one to obtain the Almighty rank, because he realized 8 years of his life was wasted on 130,000 posts. Crapshot/apothiss disappeared around 2014, after he got into an extremely heated argument with Slyfoxx. It's funny because both of them were called out as racists on several occasions. But I think that's too harsh; they're just socially inept and stupid. Hence the reason I found both of them being insufferable. Crapshot was a turbo autist with pleb tastes and Farnsworth was a faggot horse-fucker with pleb tastes too. Glad they're both gone.
  22. I like how the topic shifted towards concentration camps. We should throw Broncos' fans into a concentration camp, just for liking the Broncos.
  23. The nostalgia is too great for my jaded heart to bare.
  24. Hopefully some users, like Crapshot and Farnsworth, never set foot here.
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