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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Still feel like shit called off today gonna go to doctor after I eat breakfast.
  2. A little bit yeah but it's just a quick pinch.
  3. Every dentist I've been to puts a numbing gel on my gums before they put the needle in.
  4. Wowie one whole day a month.
  5. Thanks hopefully some rest will help.
  6. Just got a full physical last week everything checked out then but I didn't feel like this then. Dr. Google tells me it may be a sinus infection. If I don't feel better when I wake up tomorrow I'll probably call off and go to Minute Clinic to get checked out.
  7. I do have sick time but I worry about calling off on a Saturday, they look at that kind of stuff because some people abuse their sick time to call off on weekends. I'd need to see a doctor if I called off anyway because you need documentation if you call off if you have less than 22 hours of sick time accrued (I have like 14). If I still feel like this tomorrow I'm calling off
  8. Had a headache almost all day medicine isn't really helping, neck hurts, have this weird sore on the inside of my nose that hurts anytime I yawn or breathe through my nose, throat starting to get sore, and feel really, really, tired. Kill me plz
  9. That will work out because I'll need something to fall back on when I get fired for fighting a client
  10. Knowing these clients they'd go along with that if you told them to but it would come back to bite you in the ass when they turn around a week later and fight you, instead.
  11. Nope just a disabled client looking for attention. She does this shit on like a monthly basis. She'll go on like that all day sometimes.
  12. I mean when I'm not getting attacked for literally no reason it's a pretty easy job. Pays well for what it is too (I work for the state and a privately owned facility that does the same thing pays like 50% less). But still I definitely need to find something else.
  13. More or less expect the people I babysit are adults with disabilities. Like the woman that did this to me easily outweighs me by 100 pounds.
  14. I've been trying for so long it feels like it's never gonna happen. Interview today felt pretty good but I've had a lot that felt just as good or better and went nowhere.
  15. Almost got bit, too. Can someone give me a million dollars so I can just quit this job, plz? Hell even like, 50k would do that should be more than enough to hold me until I can find something new,
  16. I think it went well. We'll have to wait and see if I hear anything back.
  17. Oh I make more than 12 I was just saying that as an example based on what I see on a lot of job listings.
  18. Yeah it can be tough to find jobs like that unless u want to make like $12 an hour.
  19. I think the interview went pretty well, we'll see if they call me back. It's always hard for me to tell. All the jobs I've had in the past they took my fingerprints at the end of the interview so I kinda knew I was gonna get an offer <_< Main downside with this one would be the commute. It's not super crazy or anything (only took me about 30 minutes) but would be downtown and on a more traditional schedule so would probably take 45 or more on a bad day. Would be a lot of driving on the job too but they reimburse for mileage. Sounds like it's different enough from my last job, and they have a 6-month "trial employment" period with monthly reviews which would help a lot, my last job I didn't have a real review until like almost a year in.
  20. This is my first interview in awhile. Back before the holidays when I was applying like mad I only had a handful of interviews in my field and a bunch more not in my field.
  21. Kinda but I'm not sure how close this one actually is to my last job.
  22. Oh you meant "look at" as in for an interview for some reason I thought you meant to edit it Idk what to tell u man have u considered whoring yourself out
  23. They have like a million free services for that online
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