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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Am I gonna die?
  2. I drive all over the city for work they'd be able to find me in no time lol
  3. It's always hard to tell how much my insurance will go up until it actually does and usually it only changes when the policy renews, which I think is in December. But I just pulled up a quote I had from Geico from a couple months ago and updated it to add this ticket. Their quote before was more or less the same rate I'm getting now for the same coverage. It was about a $30/month increase with the new ticket. I mean that's a lot percentage wise (30%) but not really that awful overall.
  4. I mean I still got the ticket. They know my name and all my info. Though I guess they still had my old address since I haven't updated my license yet...
  5. I mean I don't know how high my chances were of being able to get reduced points. I have a few tickets in the past few years, nothing at all serious but last time I tried to get points reduced on a ticket the judge wouldn't do anything for me so I basically wasted my time going to court. Would have been worth a shot though since this would have been a different court, different judge.
  6. So ya know that traffic ticket I got a few weeks back for that left turn I had planned to try to get reduced points or something for it by showing up to court. Thought my court date was the 19th. It was today. So I paid it. Hopefully the fact that the payment was still made today will mean everything is okay. I'll have to call the court tomorrow to make sure. FML.
  7. Once my annual review gets approved (my 1 year anniversary was July 9 btw) I'll be making anywhere from 2-4% more than I was last year. Spare a ramen noodle?
  8. Yes thank u
  9. I mean I'm not denying that positive thinking is a good thing and can help anxiety. But you literally said "don't be ridiculous". Implying that it's ridiculous to think the way he's thinking. Like, when I've felt the way Naraku is feeling I'm completely aware of how irrational it is. Doesn't make me feel any less anxious about it.
  10. "Just stop having anxiety"
  11. I think I'm only like that because one year I was trying to get a summer job in college and some place I interviewed at acted like they were interested in hiring me and then ghosted me.
  12. It was all a dream you're actually unemployed now lol xD
  13. Idk. It's complicated. I like what I do and I get that they need to have some way of measuring that we're actually doing our jobs and not just sitting on our asses all day, but I don't really like how they do that right now especially since my program is so different but still has to adhere to the same standards
  14. The hours, mostly. To be more specific, the productivity requirements. My job requires at least 52% of our time on the clock to be "productive", meaning either face-to-face or on the phone with clients or with a natural support of our clients coordinating on their behalf. That's an easy enough number to hit by itself, but the population I deal with has some more severe mental health issues than those in other programs so we have a higher rate of no-shows, cancellations, and people who only want to meet for 20 minutes rather than an hour or more. Usually if that stuff happens you just find someone else to do a drop-in to fill your time. But lately I have had absolutely no motivation to do that. I'll schedule people for an hour and if they cancel or cut things short, I'll just drive around aimlessly until my next client or go to the office and work on notes or something. And, worst of all, we are expected to make up our vacation time. Meaning, for example, if there are 22 work days in a month but we take 2 off, we are still expected to hit the same productivity standard as someone who worked all 22 days. This includes sick, vacation, personal days, as well as agency-wide holidays. This is a HUGE issue for me as taking time off is my number 1 way of dealing with burnout but because of this policy, taking time off just makes things worse because I feel pressured and feel like I have to work twice as hard to be able to take a day off. My supervisor has assured me that there are others on my team who never hit minimum (I've almost always hit it up until these last 2 months. But I was mostly only low because I took vacation in July and August) and that I am a valuable member of the team and will not be fired or even formally written up for not hitting minimum or anything, but it still causes stress and is just part of a bigger issue that's been building for awhile. I like what I do but this job can cause burnout for anyone, I'm not quite to the point of full burnout yet but I'm getting there and I worry that without being able to take time off I'll be there soon. I had the thought that if I were "part time", I would have no trouble maintaining the same amount of productive time I do now but since I'm working less hours, I'd be able to hit a higher percentage and worry less about taking time off.
  15. I've looked at Indeed a few times but there's not really anything that interests me. Only jobs that pay enough and I'm qualified for are doing the same thing I'm doing now. I mean I enjoy what I do for the most part but I don't think moving to a new agency would really solve anything in the long run.
  16. That's great. The best supervisor I've had in my working life is leaving just when I'm going through a really stressful time and feeling really burnt out Cool.
  17. I haven't told anyone at work about it yet, don't want to worry everyone over nothing until I know for sure what's going on I did talk with my supervisor today about how I've been feeling burnt out and the topic of me going to part-time did come up. Apparently it happens more than you'd think and they would rather just let people go to part time than see them leave the company. Only thing is part-time staff apparently can't get health insurance and also idk if it would work financially I'd have to really look at our budget
  18. That's cool I talked with my supervisor today about me possibly going to part time because that's like the only long term solution at this point that will really help my burnout. Except apparently I can't get health insurance at part time. Also she told me she's leaving at the end of the month so we can't really keep talking about the issue much longer.
  19. Yippie more medical bills. I'm pretty sure it's nothing too serious the neurologist said he wanted to take a conservative approach at the time. Just wanted to make sure I get all the proper follow up. But Is it bad that I kind of low-key hope I need surgery or something I could use the break from work and I bet they'd let me come back in working part-time at first or something which would make things so much less stressful on me
  20. Sweet Someone is supposedly supposed to be treating my team to a nice dinner sometime in the near future but nothing's set for sure yet. I know next week someone is supposed to be catering a lunch for us so that's cool.
  21. Can I come to ur lunch
  22. Well on the plus side at least I had a new client I brought in to see the doctor for the first time. Expected her to be pissed about waiting for 3 hours cause I know I would be but she was super chill about it and said she knows she needs the meds like damn why can't we have more people like you. Some of our clients start bitching after 20 minutes of waiting.
  23. Me too, girl Tuesdays and Thursdays are always the worst because that's when we bring our people for psych appointments and it's hard to plan around the doctor's schedule because he's always so far behind. So I'm either driving back and forth from the office all day or I'm sitting around doing nothing waiting for people to be done who should have been done 2 hours ago.
  24. That's fun I don't mind having a day or two here and there where I do nothing but I need to keep my productivity up and it sucks when I had a day planned where I was easily going to exceed minimum that turned into one where I did nothing.
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