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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. Fix it, goddammit
  2. About $3.50
  3. Let's have a threesome
  4. Kidney_Eater101
  5. Everyone here is part of the silly boy club U better pay ur dues
  6. More like my balls are in ur mouth I'm gay
  7. I'm a silly boy
  8. Could be either. There are a lot of medical reasons to take birth control beyond contraption.
  9. Well you see when a man and a woman love each other very much...
  10. Physically I'm 24 but mentally I may as well be a grandma.
  11. Mentally, maybe Also, aren't you in your mid-20's? What would you even have in common with someone in high school? People in high school tend to be pretty boring tbh. I'm only 24 and I even have trouble being around people who are OVER 18 but still in college.
  12. Idk I probably did stuff that annoyed them but at least I bought toilet paper
  13. Like that time I noticed my roommate I shared a bathroom with never bought toilet paper, so I started keeping it in my room, and it went for like a week with no toilet paper in the bathroom with her still being in the apartment and using the bathroom regularly? Or how we had a dishwasher but I stopped using it because nobody emptied it, and would just take what they needed from the clean dishwasher and then leave it in the sink?
  14. https://www.buzzfeed.com/lyapalater/are-you-the-good-roommate-or-the-shitty-one?utm_term=.jyoqQe2RO#.itj3NRQVe Also I took it as if I were me in college and also as my roommates in college and confirmed that I was indeed the good roommate and they were shitty.
  15. At some places, sure. Not luxury apartments though. Have you considered income controlled or Section 8 housing? Also, have fun getting your wages garnished. You realize they don't just let you get away with not paying your loans, right?
  16. Yeah that's not how rent works. You don't "pay up front", you pay the security deposit when you move in and then pay every month. Also 10k would last you less than a year. You realize that you have to pay utilities in addition to rent right? Not to mention groceries, transportation (gas, insurance, car repairs, etc.). It's good to have some saved up for an emergency fund but the "income" you have right now at your "job" would not cover your living expenses and once that 10k runs out you'd not be able to pay your bills. If you could find anyone willing to tolerate living with you, you may be able to move out with a roommate or two.
  17. Hello there Kidney sure is silly isn't he
  18. Ummm Roommates, work, mandated overtime
  19. It's ok he's gone now
  20. and have cystic fibrosis and MS :::
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