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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. But can u even afford to get anything if it goes above $5? Like if it comes to $6 will u just have to leave?
  2. I'm an adult
  3. I just had it this past weekend. My credit card balance was like $200 less this month than it usually is and the payment isn't due until after my first pay day AND I have enough in checking right now to cover my next round of bills and still have like $350 leftover (have to estimate how much my electric and gas bill will be but I estimated high on those so I'll probably have even more than that) so I don't think I'll have to dip into my savings anymore and may even be able to start rebuilding it already. Yay responsible spending.
  4. So who cares. Did Kidney give u the aids
  5. Or it will help me if my new position doesn't work out. And I'm better at budgeting my money so I can actually buy real food and even splurge on some pizza or Chinese take-out like once a week or so.
  6. What's that supposed to mean
  7. But I need that money in case they decide not to keep me permanentaly
  8. Stop putting 20% of your income into retirement
  9. No I need it
  10. Ask me again in a year when I'm permanent and off probation and have full benefits.
  11. Thats the thing tho I'm probably not going to find anything better in this field with my current experience and education. I mean I can't get all the benefits now but once I can (I'm staying positive, when I become permanent, not if), it's pretty unbeatable. Plus pretty much any employer is gonna have a probationary period where you can't get benefits and can more easily get fired. It happens to be a bit longer for the state (one year), but it will be worth it when I become permanent.
  12. What would I even say when they ask me when I could start? "I don't know, maybe tomorrow, maybe never." Like, by your logic it seems like any employee in an at-will position should be actively seeking other jobs at all times.
  13. Idk it didn't take me that long to find this job. I'm optimistic.
  14. I mean they don't say it like that. They show confidence that we'll all become permanent, I think they just want us to be ready to know what it takes to get there and to know what to expect. Idk I'd hate to get a job offer while I still have this job, pass on it, then get let go from this job a month later or something. The pay is good and it's the field of work I want to be in, plus the benefits for permanent employees are excellent. I don't want to give it up if I don't have to.
  15. I'm hoping they're just trying to scare us and it's not that bad. Like it sounds like as long as you document EVERYTHING and alert a supervisor or someone else when something happens you should be fine. They keep saying how understaffed they are and how they have a bunch of permanent positions open/coming open soon. We shall see.
  16. But when you have a union there are procedures you have to go through to fire someone. Like, a permanent employee is part of a union so short of something egregious like assaulting a client there are steps that have to be taken to correct behaviors before termination. They don't have that with us, like they keep telling stories about things that have happened where a long time permanent employee and a temp were both involved in a situation and didn't do something right, and highlighting the fact that the temp got let go while the permanent employee just got a write-up or suspension or something.
  17. Yippie I think this is gonna be a fun job but the more I learn about it the more I worry about how hard it's gonna be to keep it <_<. Right now I'm considered temporary so I don't have any of the benefits or union rights that permanent employees do. That means they can let me go for any reason at any time. They keep talking about how understaffed they are and how many people they need but they also make it sound like permanent employees will be quick to throw you under the bus to save themselves from being disciplined or if they just plain don't like you for some reason. There are cameras everywhere so they can't lie and say I did something I didn't or anything but that also means I need to always be diligent in doing my job and documenting everything.
  18. You'll make more money and stop bitching about being poor?
  19. Why can't he be drunk and posting instead?
  20. Or you could spend it on, you know, food
  21. I thought he was a troll at first, too. But he's so dedicated to the character that he's either practicing some kind of creative writing piece on us or there's some grain of truth to all this and he just takes it to an extreme as some kind of joke. Good. This thread is meant to be bait >_>
  22. Do you think he sexually assaulted a student on his first day and got arrested?
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