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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. and hidden they're both perverts and are dumb
  2. I do. And I definitely plan on it.
  3. OK I charge 100% interest per hour
  4. Nah he's totally a billionaire he lives in a huge mansion and drives a Lambo
  5. My bf is already a billionaire so it's cool
  6. Idk man, probably save it, mostly
  7. Apparently it's possible that I could get mandated overtime all 5 days I work during the week on my job. Also, apparently we get time and a half not only for hours worked over 40 in a week, but also for over 8 in a day. So, assuming I get 16 hour days all 5 days I work, imma be so rich. Too bad I'll have no time to spend it. But I did find out that we can sign up to be put on what's called the OT roster where they can call you to come in on off days or before your scheduled shift. I think I'm going to do that because you can't work more than 16 hours in a day and working 10am-2am would be a lot better than 2pm-6am, which is what I'd get if I got mandated after my shift. Plus you don't HAVE to accept it if they call you on your off day so I could just keep my phone off. They explained the OT roster before but I didn't fully understand how it worked but now that I do I think it would be nice.
  8. Why is job in quotation marks I work in a residential setting for people with developmental disabilities. Helping them with life skills and stuff like that so they can learn what they need to live independently (or in a group home setting) in the community.
  9. Even better then if u go to jail. Three hots and a cot, bro.
  10. Liquor store workers are state workers? How odd.
  11. Nah dawg it's state funded u just gotta pretend to be disabled and unable to function independently in the community. Should be easy enough.
  12. Liar ur still sitting on the other side of the room.
  13. Was nice to finally see where I'll actually be working and meet some of the clients. Still a bit nervous about actually starting the work, tho. The workers all seemed like they didn't want to be there or talk to us, though State employees, man. The girl I went there with who's assigned to the same house as me has worked for the state before and said that 80% of state employees are unfriendly people. I can see that
  14. I can use the eliptical while I post, silly. Or the exercise bike. Or the treadmill
  15. Elliptical, and maybe some rowing machine.
  16. Hey I pay $35 a month for this gotta get my money's worth.
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