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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by Swimmod_Luna

  1. What the fact that I'm making more money and therefore feel more inclined to stay in a job I don't really like because nothing else pays nearly as much?
  2. Sounds like a planley, Stanley
  3. More like Instantly spend it all because pay day is on the 2nd and rent is due on the 1st so I'll need to write the rent check before the money is technically in my account and then any that's leftover after rent needs to go towards my credit card bill because I couldn't pay off the statement balance last month and had to pay a little bit of interest and need to pay it off this month so I can stop getting more interest.
  4. First check where I'll be getting that extra shift differential money and I got a little bit of time-and-a-half from working MLK Day $$$
  5. You realize he could have just like, taken you to work? Would have cost a few extra dollars (maybe idk how far your work is and how much you actually save by taking an Uber and bus vs just an Uber). But you would have had time to do your drinking before work,
  6. It's a genetic thing. And cilantro tastes wonderful. Soap tastes like soap.
  7. So you murder them? What do you mean by deplete.
  8. She never actually responded to you, did she.
  9. What happened to that date you were supposed to have on Friday
  10. PROVE IT
  11. Prove it
  12. He won't give u any he wants it all for himself
  13. U better decide soon I'm hungry
  14. Yeah For $10 Per gram of taco meat Tortilla and toppings are free with purchase of taco meat
  15. Yum
  16. Knock her up right now. Lock that shit down. Also stop doubting urself so much holy shit
  17. Ah I see it's only cheating if the woman dates more than one person, okay.
  18. It's not cheating if you didn't agree to be exclusive. And wouldn't a real alpha male play the field like that himself? You sound pretty beta to me for wanting just one girlfriend
  19. But still. Most adults go on a few dates with someone before they start calling them their "boyfriend" or "girlfriend", and it's very common for people to just date casually with multiple people at the same time without being exclusive with anyone. You would know this if you actually went on dates with people.
  20. A woman replying to your OKCupid message does not instantly make her your girlfriend, Zeni.
  21. I have a dishwasher but still wash a bunch of stuff by hand because it takes up too much space or has stuff baked on that won't come off.
  22. I do too. I want my last W-2 so I can see how much my refund will be. Already at like $800 total from federal and state refund probably gonna get another couple hundred once I enter that.
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