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Kermit the Frog

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Everything posted by Kermit the Frog

  1. My toilet after chipotle night.
  2. What is this fake persona you're using? No one acts like this in real life, except those in mental institutions. Do you think you're funny or something?
  3. Ahhhhhhhh this guy makes sense now.
  4. Everything I've seen you post is creepy and weird. Why are you alive?
  5. You dont know how to cook those
  6. You sound like a total beta.
  7. Its small and fuzzy but I will shower you in froggy nut.
  8. Let me add - not all dog owners are guilty of this bs. I have met very well behaved and properly presentable dogs.
  9. Id have to file a police report.
  10. I have neighboors that 3 or 4 times a day, congregate with their dogs on the sidewalk..mind you i own a townhouse and share the street with 50 other people. 6 of these mfers stand there and block the street. I jog, run, and walk down that side all the time and have been nipped twice. If it happens again RIP that dog.
  11. Wow most people do NOT agree when i say this. Jesus christ the world isnt actually completely full of idiots.
  12. What the fuck is this thread even about? Who the fuck are you talking about and why should we care.
  13. Dogs fucking suck. Your boogery, drooly, smelly dog that you force people to enjoy the company of, borderlines what constitues a cult.
  14. Im glad I was never cast in this. This is nightmare fuel. Salad fingers anyone?
  15. I might be doing 15 to life.
  16. I would throw massive parties in there all the time with copious amounts of meth and cocaine.
  17. Hats are good for the rain.
  18. Never let it see you naked for MONTHS. One day let it in the bathroom when youre about to shower and record jts reaction to you underessing. This animal just witnessed you rip what it thinks is your skin off, and will probably look at you some kind of way about it. It already thinks youre a chamelon. This is just another reason for it to drink. Kermit on the can thoughts #1
      • 2
      • Haha
  19. https://clyp.it/cr5cxri0
  20. Nothing like a fat ass to do a line off of.
  21. Bitch u see the location these things pop up at? Alex Jones is behind this.
  22. I hope it does end and we all die.
  23. Think of it this way. There's a private group of people that meet, converse, and go around the country installing these.
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