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Kermit the Frog

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Everything posted by Kermit the Frog

  1. Not necessarily. See usually those models still get built in a highpoly mode, and then based on graphical hardware benchmarks during production - the studio will lower the poly counts on objects deemed unnecessary for high detail.
  2. I know you're not lying. I just find it hard to believe you've never smoked weed but put Dennis Rodman levels of booger sugar up your nose.
  3. I have episodic dreams, particularly one where I'm learning how to fly with 'super powers'. I'm at the point now where I think I can fly at about 60 mph or so.
  4. I don't believe you. It does stop dreams though, like 80% of the time
  5. 2008 is calling, it says please stop.
  6. I'll never understand putting a tv at anything except eye level.
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