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Everything posted by fuggnificent

  1. All that is Japanese to me. Its generic clonazapam.
  2. Long term
  3. They don't work anymore and my doctor wont prescribe anything else.
  4. Think drugs will help
  5. I feel horrible
  6. Dood. You are the pinnacle of a hater.
  7. Wrong. Everybody is digging her last album. Its probably not on pirate bay which is why you havent heard it yet.
  8. My first sex was amazing but men cant make me cum. After 2 hours he caught me looking at his clock then finished up and sent me home. My debit card and id fell out my pocket and be found them on his floor and tossed them out. I was a nervous wreck but he had no idea i was a virgin so mission accomplished.
  9. No she doesn't. Hater.
  10. Nothing. Hes awesome!
  11. Trump would pee on her.
  12. No such thing. You gonna be stuffing lawyer cock in no time.
  13. Wouldn't a lawyer cost more than just paying the ticket?
  14. my meds r free....for now i pay about $10-20 for coffee a week...free coffee at work $20 for 200 melatonin pills
  15. mostly because all services for women are being stopped
  16. Obviously on the high functioning end of the spectrum...but probably still in special ed.
  17. Incest dreams portend a fall from a place of honor.
  18. Oh why thank you!
  19. O0
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