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Everything posted by fuggnificent

  1. I hope he tries Tinder because if even Tinder doesn't work its def because of him.
  2. youve gone off the dead end. now youre talking to people who arent around and then making them agree with you. go back on your meds.
  3. who is we? you're your own friend now?
  4. but the best thing about being Australian is the accent!
  5. its for your clit, if you sat on it, it wouldn't do any- you know what? just keep being stupid. now i cant have any (more) sex toys?
  6. yeah. theyre basically iphones now but smaller and without a phone app but im sure some resourceful persons have hacked it so it calls. i just use facetime.
  7. then none of them even talk Australian
  8. who does that? can even stop long enough to perform
  9. and a new ipod from the Charleston apple store cuz my daughter sat on mine and water marked it.
  10. itll be her 1000th+ chance
  11. Why u let her come back and wash other mens crusty bodily fluids off her is beyond me.
  12. My glasses cost $500 until i started getting them online @zennioptical. Now i pay like $120.
  13. You want a big black girl to karate chop you in the throat?
  14. Maybe youll lose that virginity still.
  15. That even under a thick band uniform, long johhs and two pairs of socks i was still freezing my ass off in the stands. Its been over 50° all winter!
  16. or um... ask your parents to donate
  17. fight https://action.aclu.org/secure/protect-peoples-rights-liberties?s_src=UNW170001SEM&alt_src=UNV170001SEM&ms=gad_SEM_Google_Search-Evergreen-ACLU%20Brand_ACLU%20Donate_donate%20to%20aclu_e_169710879118
  18. Sure it is. Why keep doing it for free?
  19. Just because you're in your 60s doesn't mean everyone is old.
  20. I instantly felt great and passed right out.
  21. Dont correct my posts or tell me how to post who the fuck are you?
  22. fuggnificent


    Stress makes me sneeze
  23. its a shameless and wine night now wooohooo
  24. Fuck it Im going to the store now. In my head scarf and pajamas. Fuck this shit. Brb
  25. Ill be in my 40s and still pulling more game than you ever could. Men love me.
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