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  1. I've never had any reason to believe in spirits or ghosts, which i would need for belief. Still, I find the concept incredibly useful as a metaphore and really cool to imagine. I don't think anything negative about people who do believe such things and I won't say their experiences are invalid. I just need more if I'm to believe. I wish i could communicate with the dead. That would be so cool.
  2. I do that with my dogs sometimes. I don't have a cat yet. I want one though.
  3. Yeah it was my job for a long time before the company went out of business a couple years ago. Still makes me sad, it was kind of a shitty job but it was one i was really good at and I'll never have the level of autonomy at work again. Oh well.
  4. Sounds vaguely familiar i think, but no real recollection of the name I used to work in recycling, i think i talked about that a little, not sure if I was ever memorable.
  5. Do non binary genders make you uncomfortable or something?
  6. No. I don't know who that is. I smoke a lot of weed, but no opiates.
  7. Thanks!
  8. No not really I'm cool with my dick. No real desire to have a vagina. Basically, all i can say is sometimes i feel like a man and sometimes i don't, sometimes I feel like a woman and sometimes i feel like both. Gender is weird. For a more in depth understanding there's this https://genderdysphoria.fyi/gdb/
  9. That hat is dope I want one
  10. General Kenobi?
  11. Neurodivergent. A neurodivergent person is someone whose neurological state and development are atypical. Generally it deeply affects a person's life in a variety of ways depending on what it is. Having ADHD has impacted my life in drastic ways i didn't understand until recently. So I've been doing a lot of self evaluation.
  12. Good. Keep not deading
  13. That sucks. How'd you get banned? The imgur community is fickle as fuck so you never know how they'll react to any given topic, it's wild
  14. I'm back Also I'm non binary (still figuring out the rest) Who'd've thought? So how's everyone else doing? Also I'm ND but I'm pretty sure I've talked about my ADD/ADHD stuff before so not really news, but I've been learning a lot more about myself and how my ND has affected me, which lead directly to realizing that Im NB so that's cool
  15. I can barely keep my eyes open.
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