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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. Whyd u tell him lol
  2. fuggstop


    Interesting fact to make it yummier. I was on my period.
  3. He talked to me again today randomly...this time about his ex wife being in the store. I kinda spied on him and another female working in health and beauty to see if he just talks a lot but he wasnt saying nothing to her. 😳
  4. Kmart. Man: Do you have skinny ropes? Me: no we don't have any rope Man: *gets angry* yall dont have anything. Yall oughta shut this place down *storms off* *two black ladies overhear and watch him walk off then look at me* Lady: yall are shutting down, arent you? Me: yes Lady: well thats why they don't have anything. Theyre shutting down, idiot! LMAO! What makes it funnier are the HUGE ASS SIGNS all over the doors that say STORE CLOSING! EVERYTHING MUST GO!
  5. lol this guy
  6. Some internet searches im younger and not a millennial at all
  7. Theres main characters that arent from jungle book tho
  8. Just do it
  9. Try explaining it to someone who has never watched it
  10. Im sorry. Good luck to you!
  11. Purple. It makes me happy.
  12. That's illegal
  13. Been there dont that
  14. Man i gotta step my game up
  15. I know but she doesn't want to get help so she gets no empathy.
  16. Shes always refuses to go. Even tho shes a vet and can get treated for free.
  17. No she worries about dumb shit. Like today she was screaming her head off cuz my daughter sneaked and wore a sweater we haven't dried yet. It wasn't even that cold and i just told her to take the sweater off. My mom was screaming her head off over nothing. I just learned to ignore her. My therapist calls her "extra".
  18. There's other jobs out there for me...i just kinda need the schedule but i can survive without it. I have before.
  19. So are mine. My mom smokes and drinks her anxiety away. Shes a trust fund baby and has money coming out of her ears but she still sits up drinking worrying about NOTHING
  20. Nah..i got called into a meeting and told to chill If they wanted to fire me they would have just done it instead of trying to reason with me
  21. @Naraku4656 you hear me tho? Dont u suffer from anxiety? It cant hurt to get your levels checked!
  22. 🙄 the geodon idiot
  23. Nah. U don't know how bad they need good tenured reps. But i have been applying for new jobs and there's tons of them. Sucky hours but ill survive.
  24. lol im sober af took my meds on a full stomach, too!
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