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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. I fucked our crackhead that does odd ends for us in my sleep. I think i really need to get out more.
  2. So many questions. Why was her dad coming home at 4 in the morning? And if he wasnt home at the time, why jump out the window? Why are you putting on shades and going out into darkness?
  3. I got an A and learned NOTHING
  4. I see a lot of families with sick kids moving there.
  5. When i was younger, i would gush. Itd go all the way thru my sheets to the mattress. Id scrub the mattress and change the sheets but you know theres no getting all of it. Towels helped but i didn't always use towels. Thank my meds i dont cum that hard no mo
  6. Score on it being someone you care about. Mine was a #metoo moment lol coworker dragged me into a closet and frenched me
  7. O_o You make it so evident you dont have kids and are never around them.
  8. As buddyfaux you must patiently re-express yourself so i can better understand.
  9. Lol. Fuck you.
  10. This the deep south. Its as hot as the devil's anus. Wtf i care about san diego
  11. Doubt youre smart enough to understand that graphic tho, stilgag
  12. Moms working on it Moms gonna fix it all soon Moms coming round to put it back the way it ought to be!
  13. I need lobsters to be happy!
  14. fuggstop


    How do u know he didn't?
  15. I haven't bought anything that wasn't needed
  16. fuggstop


    His doctor?
  17. The A/C goes out. 😞😖
  18. fuggstop


    Phillies is ill you insensitive motherfucker.
  19. Traffic Traffick My phone has both. Call Samsung and complain m
  20. I left for work an hour and a half early skipping my routine stop at starbucks. Arent i such the responsible little worker bee?
  21. I made it to work on time despite construction and parking on the interstate due to my google maps app telling me my commute time was increasing due to traffick.
  22. fuggstop


    You're not even trying anymore
  23. Im not doing this. Thanks for the goodrx info. GOODNITE
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