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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. Another way of nature coming into play in regards to survival of the fittest. Simply put...incels cannot ADAPT to changes in society and nature in order to pass their genes along. They simply arent meant to breed and will die out. Incels...involuntary....meaning you want sex but no one wants to fuck u..so if u asexual please step out of this discussion.
  2. Youre trying to get hung up on DISORDER and ignore that is also a DISEASE and a ILLNESS.
  3. What the hell dis i just walk in on šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
  4. You just make up shit and ignore facts. Bet you voted for Trump.
  5. Lol so full of shit...you said di in diabetes meant die. How you gonna try and deny that because you got owned.
  6. Go back to rubbings cats on your hairy legs and take a break from making up stories to excuse sub par work. I have a full time job. I work overtime. I still manage to do a good job and i have to know a 10 inch thick binder worth of material and have to recall it correctly on demand...all they have to do is LISTEN and push buttons...fuck that shit if you cant even do that. You are a certified failure at life. Also..i had my own fucking apartment and was helping pay bills here so it made sense to move here and help my mom out and be with my family so watch who you call a leech you repulsive cat fucker retail slouch.
  7. Ive been there 8 months. Ive said it before just not in its own thread cuz when i speak on good things those with inferiority complexes and jealously call it bragging. Every move up at work is on my fb. Surprised you didnt see it while you were stalking it.
  9. You get rewarded
  10. I have no script and insurance is extremely complicated...even tho i just do claims now which is easy af. But i was only moved up because i did so well with the really hard stuff Dont u work at the apple store? U know i worked at tmobile and had to do tech support on apple as well as every other phone or device out there...i could do your job in my sleep
  11. Look at the sniveling bitch who is actually jealous of someone who has a mental illness. Fuck right off.
  12. I dont work for Aflac anymore and I make even more money now. I was permanently hired and got a raise at another insurance company, biiiittttccccchhhh Also, promoted from general customer service to claims only so i barely do anything at all all day most days lol Take like 20 calls a day
  13. You cant generally say that. You are ignoring how bad mental illness can be. You are very ignorant.
  14. Madison and i love going to the museum. Last time we got a free tour and learned so much abt the museum. Have fun.
  15. Wow youre a fucking idiot. Guess you never heard of suicide. And psych meds can be fatal.
  16. Whats fucking funny
  17. If not, explain to me how a depressed or bipolar person is weak for taking or needing meds to function? Diabetes isnt even as serious as a disease in the minds of society. You know why I say that? It's because I'm diabetic can still get life insurance but a person with my illness cannot get covered by most life insurance companies because they are considered too much of a risk.
  18. I cant believe i actually watched this when it was on
  19. They don't deserve more money...breathing is an accomplishment for them.
  20. A little blind girl wrote the show that she was afraid the fish were going to die because they weren't getting fed. Every single episode after that he made a point to say outloud that he was feeding the fish.
  21. You would know all about that
  22. Peanuts? Thats funny. Another thing is this city. I always gain a bunch of weight living here because its too fucking dangerous to go outside. Hmm...but that was when i was really sexy....probably wont get raped now lol
  23. Ive only been fat for 4 years. I started taking meds that blew me up. Plus i moved from all the activities that kept me slimmer.
  24. @Zenigundam answer my questions or never fuck around with writing again...got it? *cracks knuckles*
  25. But i dun wanna. And for some reason im gaining even more weight. Going on the same diet i went on to lose all my baby weight. Not playing around anymore. Dont care how shitty i feel. Its granola and protein bars for me until i pass the fuck out. I do NOT feel like dating. Only thing to do in SC is eat.(i dont need weight lost advice so dont go there)
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