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Everything posted by fuggstop

  1. He losing it. Watch out! Dont pm him!
  2. This particular truck is smart. comes on every payday and people line up for their food. I call my order in so im not waiting in line 20 minutes lol its sooo good. I love their shrimp tacos...but this summer they have crab fries A lot of shitty trucks do come out here tho...we have a different truck daily. I guess they book the trucks cuz our lunch break is so short.
  3. Phillies not racist he just one of those sheltered white folk that dont know better. Thats my husband.
  4. Theyre in this pic
  5. Yo memory not good. Its been posted even by other members several times.
  6. 8 years bitch
  7. I knew it! And u tried to pin it on phillies. You have no shame!
  8. No you have not. It was this pic.
  9. He does have Butthead teeth
  10. Wrong. Thats was a totally different pic. Thanks for proving me right.
  11. Im not talking abt u. My world dont revolve round you foo
  12. I dont tell these jelly heauxs my real name
  13. You dint even fini typin that sente
  14. He made it to 100!
  15. Crab fries 5 bucks, bitch
  16. "You are not the beneficiary. "
  17. Goooorgeous
  18. where's a pic of u
  19. look how much movement in pic! she could def animate one day
  20. I'm just trying to show you the real fuggs no one else gets to see
  21. This was one of THE BEST nites of my life!
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