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Everything posted by mumbo

  1. Why don't you love me..... (back?) Unrequited Edge . Com Please thine genius, children of the futures' hope? Please Twist Of Fate, prove me fine? Say I found the "know" I need? Answers? Painstakingly, long-awaited answers?
  2. See I'm not the one that's going to take it personal but I'm the one that's going to get the s*** so leave me alone by talk to you later stay buddy Roe stay cool stayed not in my face next time I see you
  3. Look I got to go before I get deleted leave me alone stop notification in me every six seconds
  4. Seriously it meant more to me than that. Somebody was naked on the camera for me like I didn't take it personally she even told me she was in a relationship and wasn't interested in one or whatever because she was already in a relationship it's not like that at all and I'm sick of anything you can disagree with just spewing out at me come on like dude acting like I don't have a brain and I'm not a human and it's secondly none of them had her face in it anyway she could have spammed me from some weird s*** she found on Google when I wouldn't have even known and you're telling me I take it personal I know what I take personally is you three up my ass
  5. Absolutely not I was expressing my appreciation for her friendship you guys got to stop attacking anyone you can find
  6. The only holiday pic I had is the gift I gave a child it was a video his mom sent us but you already know cat cleared it out let it go let it go let me go let yourself go give yourself some calm down time and let it Go
  7. You all just trying to bulshit me no more you later
  8. How are you telling me what I said to someone else? You're a self-declared genius of all intelligent conversation between two people that aren't related to you in any way except you think so and some way of being out self-entitlement but that's your thing online
  9. Yeah but cat cleared me out so I just decided to screw that and I haven't posted till this morning I mean she's asleep right now I'm like a real take a picture of her asleep but you're freaking weird s*** out what you think I'm making it up if I got time to lie to the Great and Powerful sodomy
  10. Turning good advice for a friend into bad advice for your friend thanks dude I know you're one of the cool ones though I'll always remember buddyroe good old Buddyroe.
  11. Damn gorgeous to be posting pictures of yourself anyway you're going to get yourself hurt like you used to tell me I'm baiting myself people are going to attack my what did you call it drama no you called it something specific and I'm trying to remember hold on a sec I'm trying to think trauma you said people get off on my trauma and I said oh well it's good people get off right? my ass isn't that a good thing let them go freak out
  12. See there you go again turning a normal conversation and call and get a frenzy why is it everybody else post whatever they want why am I on a frenzy when I'm talking to you I thought we knew each other here since 2009 all right I remember when you were a noob I remember when you were brand new
  13. Oh I'm supposed to know that you did that for just anyone you felt like anytime you wanted to like I didn't usually as up wit nudes in my inbox okay it was just you only you and be in enj'y screwing around with weird disgusting things he trolled off of fugscrew that right you are the only woman that has ever sent me nudes alright and I thought it meant more than that I'm sorry all right I thought I was special or something all right Sorry to take a speil out on you about my ex alright sorry I'm I sincerely apologize I don't want you to bring it up every 5 years just to hang out with sodomy and f****** my friend buddy that acts like he's not my friend so he can hang out with sodomy
  14. As if any of these people care who I really am and like I thought I made a friend in you and then screwed it up somehow and now you're one of my trolls thanks dude real cool real real cool
  15. Boo for real just because everybody else treats me like an a****** so do you?
  16. Boo I don't even remember that I swear I thought you must have understood whatever I was saying I mean you sent me nudies I thought we were good buddies main I'm sorry for sharing that information with the entire Community will like I've seen your entire body naked so like I thought you could understand I was depressed about my ex giving my kid away and me having like an abortion for her and she said because she didn't want our second baby so I mean come on give me a break dude I was having a bad day why you going to bring it up 7 years later
  17. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l_uh8XjgLTE
  18. No one was baiting nothing was happening it was all Bs and for your information he asked personally for a picture of my girlfriend what's the big deal? And yes I understand that you thought I was being a fool and yes I understand you thought I was on a posting Rage or whatever but I post on purpose I'm not a fool I do what I do cuz I want to I'm that kind of guy I don't screw around I don't mess around do what I do cuz I do what I do I don't do it cuz I'm stupid I'm sick of people that try to tell me I'm stupid but thank you for trying to help thank you for trying to explain that you for cleaning up the mess that you for everything that you did say that since this is a damn selfie thread here's a selfie
  19. I'm here and I quote you and actually you quoted me I'll just say in this thread instead yes of course I like your pictures what the hell who wouldn't you used to send me pictures I mean Jesus Christ will you stop making fun of me you with all your friends and peace out cuz I got to go say something in a different thread
  20. This is one of the free ones she gave us before price gouging happened because omicron
  21. $51.24 on Amazon... infectious disease head nurse recommended YOTU(TM) As the specific kind, personal friend
  22. Fuck the NFL
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