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Everything posted by mumbo

  1. Switch me to mumbo and lock me until july... don't forget any alts either please... warn him he's not allowed to troll in healthy folders... they can have their cake and eat it over in the dumpster... I won't know about it
  2. mumbo

    bah gawd

    Yo no understando
  3. "Thumbnail," is an archaic term now.
  4. Isn't there a new arrival with the battle against the demons of hell planned out in Armageddon? I like to think this space travel and government conspiracy theories are the biggest bullshit, and we literally will see the end of life next decade, but in terms of our souls.. our existence.. our will to be good towards mankind and betterment of whatever rules have guided society to its current condition, and whatever may call you a God will take us to the next page of our eternity... so imagine that!
  5. I know trust me. My baby, my rules
  6. It burns a little but apparently only the ancient feminine grasp whatever concept is being the celebratory passing of child birth around, like a cool marble or something, but they do weir shit
  7. Should we be expecting something in 2033? Some experts and Bible translators describe the year of Jesus' birth to be not accord to the actual day 1 of AD but why?
  8. I just want the derailing to end... I can lose a few trolls and wouldn't mind if your off doing favors, hahaha
  9. I am one of your biggest fans... you make awesome posts, memes, ,gifs, the whole lot... and with a lot of contextual and logical approach lto it that really relates to just about anyone, hilarious, comedic genious, muchas gracias, for your very intellectual, very on point, and valuable information in your quality and delivery, in your honest, yet sometimes bitter, but always humorously of course, and truly dedicated and educated posts. Sincerely, thank you, Sawdamizer. When you aren't looking, I am your biggest fan....
  10. Oooooo... I just got the "bill" joke, like cruel, sir, absolutely cruel..
  11. You're really just hoping I embarrass myself? That's so meaningless?
  12. You are actually an amazing, talented poster, you have a real gift when you do you,... I don't get why you can't ignore me and do your own thing?
  13. This is a mix between oasis, Manson, primus and avail
  14. I thought westpark = bucket = 1000 stupid trolly alts?
  15. Absolutely not. He is very intelligent... probably just got sick of topgun and jingai
  16. Missed it... I locked my account for a few months.... when did he stop posting, and do you know why?
  17. Geese? Lies!! Singular goose. 1 goose. 1 habit, no 8 ball
  18. I always thought there's no way my fathers version of our family's history can't be better accounted by weird strangers that investigate biological lineage of soft skinned human weakling afraid of holocausts and shit.. I'd rather them just stay out of my fucking past
  19. Fucking hilarious, best post of the day 🤣
  20. https://youtu.be/4XlO16tz2-A https://youtu.be/4XlO16tz2-A
  21. This has similar meaning to one which has always sought out a real place to call (in the words of a trusting, inexperienced, and wild natured fool,) a (I know better than to call it a,) home? Is this place not the same, as if I were to use platform and personality, flavor you somehow learned to despise, through group pressure,... deciding to out my every move, makes a question still possible,) Do you care? Can I be one of the good old boys now? Anyone need a free mumbo, lololol? Hasn't been checked... No one has crafted a reason for me to abandon our mysterious friendships that are indeed rare, and a host for all of us, is no mystery, it's a miracle! I want to say I learned a lot on TV yesterday. Condolences. 🤗
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