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Everything posted by mumbo

  1. I'm picturing Odin in a button down blue and white flannel, a little off white, and bell bottom blue jeans... for some reason.. with black large frame glasses...
  2. I can't measure weight. I would need like 200 kilos to pull this off...
  3. I totally forgot eclipses were a thing when I posted this 😕
  4. She's either grazing or studying
  5. They want to prove they're not having a PTSD attachment crisis and pull off a stunt like they're not embarrassed of letting people hold their child for society said so so they don't look crazy it's not actual celebratory act is an actual fake act that that nobody even cares about and is somehow a tradition of proving you're not insane here look at my baby
  6. What the hell is 23andMe??? What the hell is this post referring to...
  7. I just found out that bluntness and emphasis don't help my dirty jokes fly... that's BRAND NEW though, so no more dirty jokes I guess... sorry
  8. Honesty, being transparent, giving all I can to promote trust and friendship, staying true to a cause, expressing value, concern, and obviously commitment, working out personality flaws, clearing up as much confusion as I can, not creating turmoil or resentment by avoiding conflict and trying to stay cool, taking a long break if people were upset with me, offering a outlet for communication Anything I could? Why? Are you thinking..... hmm
  9. I eat Weirdos Hoodlums Junkies and Addicts, wrapped In power lines, soaked In gasoline and turpentine
  10. BTW it's too bad you didn't try and afford an answer.. too bad
  11. Oh I didn't know that, so it's impossible to regain trust here? Or anywhere on the net, if you make bad post skills and fuxd up a lot? Internet are not hooman?
  12. This thread is in hieroglyphics on q pyramid somewhere... Yeah way old
  13. Some people really struggle with these definitions.
  14. Ok, make any comment that you think would improve any writing technique or criticize any plot points of any style thqt take away from the value of a movie or storyline. My first suggestion is that romance, while nearly unbearable should stay in love stories and not leak over into other writing styles. I don't want to experience the character's love life in the middle of a movie I was watching. Second, sex itself. Nudity is ok, but half censored sex scenes with fake intentions are pretty much just annoying. Sex is for porn and movies are for movies.
  15. HEY, WAIT!!! PLEASE EXCUSE ME A SECOND!!! What you see above is the true reason I joined this community 12 and a half years ago. That's the reason I turned into mumbo and joined right here. I just never knew how to ask and be able to gain the subjectivity to get any reasonable response. So now you know what a mumbojummie is.
  16. There was no such thing as psychics or mysticism, magic was a funny joke, people were individuals without subtle influences, but any secrets are lost... And now it's normal that nothing is private, no thought or motivation is personal, almost everything is predestined... there is a window into everything thing, imaginary, dreaming, truth or lie, something has a hand in every thing, every decision, every breath counted, watching while our days pass, as the meaningless becomes more heavy, as the unbearable task became worse and it continues to be to live the obvious answer and ignore the downfalls, which is easily interpreted in countless ways with differences and without definite connection to what makes us motivated to improve the hidden self that once had that freedom that isn't part of this place. That's why my thread asks if it isn't scientific, I think it could be a warning. It might be the most important thing we need to know as people, and that is to know what inside has become alive without the earth we knew as not mystic, not psychic, not coming from within. Where it was once possible and motivation thrived on an individual's goals without influence. When life is an open book, it's very much more difficult to reach for that same progress and motivation. It's unable to thrive because we feel observed and controlled. I don't think that's natural. I just wanted to point that out because what's unnatural wasn't even allowed in the picturesque earth outside, while hauntings occur right inside our own minds... where did the real world go? Do you agree that it's obvious the mind isn't a private space to think.. and something else besides us is inside our every thought? Do you think God is watching what we think? Do you think it has a spiritual meaning? A psychic meaning? Do you feel untouched and not influenced in your own mind? I don't think the world used to have these questions?
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