still, monitor it for a little while and if there are any changes for the worse or if it doesn't seem to be going away, get it looked at
try to avoid putting much stress on it for the time being
i really like to do rice, bean sprouts, smoked sausage, snap peas, and broccoli with scramby or fried egg on top in a big ol bowl if i have time for my first meal of the day
sometimes with a lil bit of bbq or hot sauce
i don't know really but i imagine it is painful af and you would not be able to walk
and if the odd sensation doesn't go away, maybe go see a doctor???
i know its hard... cuz sports, but please try to be careful and not hurt yourself
well, i'm not getting any :-* today, thats for sure
i certainly am feeling the <3 and :420: however
just finished :fap:
so now i need to work on my :brownbottle: