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Everything posted by IKMongo

  1. I havent seen it snow in like 20 years
  2. Well you are not wrong.... We are moving to a new office on monday though. I will describe the scene then. Maybe it wont be as depressing....
  3. Im actually hoping a scalper comes through. Im holding off until i get a good deal. Otherwise i end up not going anyways... but goddamn do i want to see Ghost
  4. My Nondisclosure Agreement prevents me from showing... So here is a description! Imagine a cubicle, 4 monitors, a laptop, a gallon of water, and a random assortment of pens. I have a window seat. Also my phone...because thats what i shitpost on
  5. Yeah, they are still 4x the cost
  6. Dont be the people I hate I just want to rock out for a reasonable price
  7. Ghost tickets sold out on ticketmaster Now all other resellers are charging 200+ a ticket. Its a 35 dollar ticket
  8. Just out doing white boy shit.... Like eating mayonnaise, listening to country, camping, thinking I can dance. The usual.
  9. I only go there for endless shrimp. Then i sit there for 3 hours eating shrimp....
  10. The lens crafters i go to has aviators.
  11. Behold my smokey delights!
  12. And here it is
  13. Well living in Illinois explains a lot. California is more restrictive based on season, caliber, and matetial. I can't hunt with lead ammo anymore, and there are restrictions like, you cant hog hunt with a .223. Other than thst we have firearm seasons and bow season.
  14. Im using a Galaxy Note 8.
  15. Really? I haven't heard of any states not allowing rifles at all. I've heard of restrictions for certain seasons though. But if thats the case! 12 guage shotgun with either 00 Buck or Slug rounds .357 magnum or .44 magnum for pistol Muzzleloaders don't really have a small caliber if memory serve so whichever should do the trick.
  16. If its strictly a hunting rifle I would reccomend a 30-06 for big game hunting like that.
  17. I thought you were speaking legally. If you are stopping yourself from it for reasons like that, then good on ya.
  18. Could always just build a 80% AR15, 1911, or Glock. No background checks or registrations
  19. I actually dont remember the last time i had fastfood. But i did like putting a chicken patty on a sausage and egg mcgriddle. So lets go with that
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