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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Hey don't sweat it. I'll do my best to make it fun with what we've got.
  2. Nah. And last time there were 4.
  3. All info can be found here I know there hasn't been very much enthusiasm this time around but that's ok! We're still doing this and would love to have more entries. Side note: I still need another judge. At this point I've accepted the fact that I'm only getting three but you never know. My fourth judge might pop up last minute. Regardless, it's almost over and once it is I'll quit bugging y'all Rock on.
  4. Remember always shoot, knife, strangle, beat and crucify your goals
  5. It's bad but I'm into them. Favorite song is definitely Shove That Warrent up Your Ass. Reminds me of my childhood
  6. Sorry bro I'm stupid
  7. Been four days since I came and I can see and hear sharp af. I feel like I can hunt animals. Like I'm a leapord or some shit. I feel really strong too. I hit a personal best in the gym. Cumming has made me weak. No longer. I'm leapord man, bitch!
  8. Good! At least we got something
  9. There's just 4 days left to submit a piece to the writing competition. Also, I still need one more judge. Can't say I didn't try
  10. To be completely real the entire NFC besides the niners was weak this year (including the saints). Just not a very good season tbh
  11. That my team played like complete garbage and choked. Lol I ain't defending how my saints played. They were fucking terrible, but everyone knows green bay is fraudulent.
  12. Chill pooh. It's early foh
  13. Chiefs bouta fuck Also the packers are trash and shouldn't have made it this far.
  14. Welcome to the second volume of the one and only UEMB writing competition! It's been like two years since we've done one of these, and seeing as how a lot of the drama has died down, I figured what better time to bring back the writing competition. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS: I will need four judges. I myself will simply host/encourage/announce the results. If you would like to judge the writing of your peers, pm me! Please don't ask to judge if you have an overly busy life. The last thing I want is add to anyone's daily stress. Only do it if you will enjoy it. K, betch? SECONDLY: This years deadline will be much shorter. As in January 24th. This will give participants time but not too much time. Last year everyone was done in like two days and by the time I announced the results some people and forgotten about it. SO YE HAVE ONLY TWO WEEEEEKS! THIRDLY: This year there will be a prompt, an element you must include in your story, and a line of dialogue you must also include. You will be judged on how seamlessly you implement said variables. THE RULES: As I believe in complete freedom of speech and expression, there aren't many rules. But the one's I have are as follows: 1. Do not put your real name or username anywhere in your story. I will be the only person that knows who submitted the stories. This keeps the judging free of bias 2. There is a 2,000 word limit. Your story can be as short as you want but it cannot exceed this limit. Doing so is an automatic DQ. Obviously you can go a smidge over. Just don't be an asshole 3. All three variables MUST be included in your story. Not including them is an automatic DQ. 5. One entry per person 6. Enjoy whatever you create and have fun. Your story can be written in any genre or style so long as it complies with the guidelines set. Yes, this is a corny rule. If you have a problem with that I'll drink your blood. That's really it for the rules. Now let's move on to what you must include in your story: PROMPT: A drug deal gone wrong Element: A threesome (this doesn't necessarily have to be sexual in nature) Line: "Wow, did you really just do that?" AND THAT'S IT! We have a writing competition now! Once you've finished, email your stories to [email protected]. Make sure you tell me your username in the email. I will then pass it on to the judges. It should be noted that there is no prize at this moment as we never really figured that part out. If any of you have any suggestions, I'm open. Speaking of winners, big shout out to the winner of the first UEMB Writing Competition: @Kweerie! NOW GO CREATE! And remember, I still need 1 more judge! Also I know this is a duplicate thread. Just reposting it here to potentially generate more interest.
  15. Just one more. If you're interested, PM me your email! Sorry to bother y'all.
  16. nope. you can literally just copy and paste it in an email
  17. Hey bitches! We still need one more judge!
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