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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. My stage name is Big Nasty mf
  2. Dude I'm not asking for a fucking Newport come on
  3. Balance Restaurant in Johnstown. They were soso on my written shit. Killed them with crowd work. Grateful I can do comedy in this fucked up time. I'm kinda buzzed. Loving life. Lmao white girl slizzard
  4. I'll do it for a diet coke and a cigarette
  5. Where can I find this sex gambling satan site?
  6. Lmao pat don't give a fuck Yeah dude I don't get the political shit. It makes no fucking sense. People come up to me all the time letting me know it's bullshit that they have to wear a mask and that they're voting for Trump. Like I give a fuck. Mother fucker I come here to hide in the bathroom not listen to your bullshit. Get your raisin bran and fuck off, Ethel
  7. That's funny as fuck because that's exactly what a frozen dairy dude would say 😆 sorry he passed away. He sounds like a funny ass dude
  8. We are dude. I'm sorry. I fucked up again
  9. That's right bitch. We're friends now
  10. Girth wind and fire. Ghostrek is king of bukkake
  11. He looked weird af too. Dude had giant ears. I think he was a figment of my sleep deprived imagination
  12. I do bro. Love you bro. I responded to you twice. Fuck you gonna do?
  13. I know man. Wtf
  14. I was stocking a shelf and this dude rolled up to me in one of those scooters Him: you have organic milk in a box Me: we have it in cartons in the cooler Him: No. The organic shit. The uhh rice milk. Me: Aisle 17 I think Him: thanks. Man this coronavirus shit is getting on my nerves. Me: lol yeah it sucks Him: good thing I'm voting for Trump *He very slowly rolls away* The dude was like 80. Apparently hes into rice milk and passively pushing his political ideaology on retail slobs
  15. Why do all the weird dudes have giant hogs? It's not fuckin fair mate
  16. I know right like I'm really fucking sad damit FUCK
  17. That's fine too bro. But if you change your mind 😎
  18. Idk I'll probably do it. Get me drunk first
  19. Absolutely but only one time. Ask twice and it's trouble.
  20. Thanks man. Love you.
  21. No that's incorrect
  22. 1. Easy to get along with 2. Doesn't afraid if anything 3. For $5 I will permaban anyone (self included) For six dollars I will have sex with anyone (no kids or animals) 5. Approachable 6. Every Sunday will be a purge. You can go ape shit and post whatever you want (no pedophilia) So yeah boom doesn't get better
  23. Uhh just saying I would be a great mod because I am SO open to bribes and corruption. Like let's rock
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