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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Weed gets me going usually but I don't smoke anymore
  2. Are you going to use the comb as a weapon?
  3. I mean there's only so many things you can do with a shirt. Technically anything you can do with cloth. But if you aren't going to groom with the comb what else is there?
  4. Holy shit I didn't expect anything that deep. That's actually all pretty sad.
  5. I mean I'm assuming you're just gonna get dressed and groom yourself....which is cool I guess.
  6. That sucks ass. Alcohol doesn't really do that to me unless I get stupid drunk which I haven't done since I was like 16
  7. That's rough dude. I once got a handjob from a girl that was WAY too aggressive. Instant bone kill
  8. Everybody has had one lol
  9. Wait.....holy damn...how did you do that to yourself?
  10. Was it really that bad?
  11. Holy shit. Did you proceed?
  12. Sounds kinky lololol
  13. You're a fucking champion, man!
  14. She couldn't take them out?
  15. Dude that's awful for your first time lol did you think you did something wrong?
  16. Lol I read all about that
  17. That's rude af
  18. Holds retainers...like mouth retainers?
  19. I had a girl slap the dog shit out of me once during sex without warning or reason. It actually hurt lol
  20. I'm glad ur ok bro
  21. Demons. Plain and simple.
  22. See that's nice. Most people just tell me to kill myself.
  23. Lol apparently I'm your alt.
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