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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. You're too smart for this simple thread
  2. I guess ignorance really is bliss
  3. Are you mad?
  4. Ya know........alcohol....greasy food... Women :3
  5. You do now, you charming bastard
  6. Shure. You'll get a tv show starring David schwimmer
  7. Dude we could do haikus too! WE CAN DO ANYTHING!
  8. Jesus h christ I know this is the worst one so far lol
  9. So how did you break it to the 4 inch guy? Was it a polite conversation?
  10. How do we go about making this happen. I'm willing to host it. We'd need three judges to anonymously score the pieces. We could have a first through third place winner and secondary catagories (best grammar, best plot twist etc)
  11. That's the thing. We'd do different types of writing. Sponges would probably excel in the dino sex catagory, but I could give him a run for his money in the screenplay category
  12. Dude that's wild. What the hell? That would scare the hell out of me too lol. I'm glad it went away. Fap pain is just cruel
  13. Claude never says a damn thing. That's what I like about him. I'd play the shit out of Chrono Trigger rn
  14. You didn't do it?
  15. Feelsbadman
  16. You just won this thread holy hell that was funny
  17. Dude I'm a delinquent you don't understand. My family is full of jailhead and drug addicts. I'm all fucked up. But I'm ok though lol.
  18. If we're best friends I won't touch that weed or your gf. Loyalty is my middle name
  19. Me neither man. It's gonna take a while but I'm trustworthy as shit
  20. One of my favorite things about ASMB was the writing competitions. I really miss those. Have any of those been organized yet? If not can we get that shit poppin? We could do short stories, poetry, or even short screenplays!
  21. I smoked weed for the first time at 11 so I got it out of my system early
  22. All I want is your trust and shit like that
  23. Like in a lab
  24. I'd like comb my hair with it...cause it gets mad messy
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