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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Make a chili with them. Or just use them very scarcely lol. I've had ghost pepper sauce but not an actual pepper.
  2. It's a combination for me. I want to collect and beat as many as I can. Like dude I bought Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde for the NES just to have it but I also plan on beating it even though it's awful.
  3. Only thing that sucks is games like that are super expensive. I saw an I'm box copy of Mega Man being sold for $100. Retro games are making a comeback and unfortunately people know it
  4. I just finished link to the past. I really want to play Zelda 2 even though I hear it's pretty difficult.
  5. Hank bump
  6. Ff7 Sep or Kingdom Hearts Sep?
  7. Well hey just keep me updated. Because I have 8 n64 games that I can't even play because my n64 barely works. It's frustrating because I paid $70 for it.
  8. Dude I love habenaros! They're so flavorful. I had no idea spicy peanut butter was even a thing.
  9. I have problems booting up my NES often times. Like it takes me several tries just to get a game to start. And sometimes when it starts I get either a pink or yellow screen. Do I need to clean my system out? Also if anyone here has any NES games they don't want I'll take em lol. I love the NES. It might seriously be my favorite console
  10. If you're serious, I might take you up on that. It really depends on how good the deal is. I'm broke af
  11. How well do they work?
  12. I'll give you $5 for all 3
  13. Are they all just basic bitch grey?
  14. I mean I was tired as hell. Idk about you. I think you're just a night owl.
  15. I took a nap at like 10pm that's why I'm so awake.
  16. Holy damn. I'm jealous as hell. I have 1 n64 and it barely works. They don't age very well
  17. What all do you have?
  18. Your pic is cool man
  19. I used to use those but now I have a legit NES. sometimes it's a bitch to get games to work tho
  20. Never played the sims. My attention span is too short for that
  21. Aight then I'll see if you can beat it
  22. I've been playing the first 3 all night
  23. Are you high tho?
  24. Bro that's a loaded ass question.
  25. Dude.....im so tired that attempting to read that really fucked with my head....like I'm super confused. You broke me
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