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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. I got $50 a free sandwich and "exposure"
  2. Do eet. Lol I think this is gonna be a second coming of the room tbh. Like there's gonna be so much dumb quotable shit
  3. Dude I appreciate that! I'll let you know more about this behemoth. Idk if he's submitting it to any festivals, but as soon as it's available to me it will be available to you.
  4. Side note the day I filmed with that blond chick I had to shit really bad the entire time but there was not enough privacy for me to blow up the bathroom. Every take I had to mask the pain of having to shit. Fun.
  5. Thanks dude! Honestly I've done much better films and I have much better films in the works. The cold hard truth is I auditioned for this because I was bored and the director was clueless. The script was not that good but I stick with projects once I commit. Lack of direction mixed with inexperience resulted in what you just saw. When it comes to entertainers we all have a few things that suck at some point. This is one of mine lol
  6. Dude this is easily the worst thing I've ever been in. Lol I hope the finished product isn't that bad. I mean dude what the fuck.
  7. I would like to start by saying that I had NOTHING to do with the editing or writing of this shit. I simply acted in it. I know this is garbage. I acknowledge that. But it's fucking hilarious. So laugh at my expense why don't you.
  8. Should I post it here or the other folder?
  9. And oh my God it's the whole trash can. It's so bad it's almost good. Kinda like the room. I'm tempted to post it, but idk. It's just so fucking terrible like.... Just I've never seen something so comically bad lololololol
  10. I want to thank everyone who participated in whatever this became.
  11. Wanna fuck?
  12. My car inspection is expired and I'm too broke to get my windshield fixed. I won't miss PA lol
  13. If you ever meet Marie, don't kiss her on the mouth.
  14. I was supposed to do a comedy show in Youngstown tonight at this really nice bar. There were like thirty ppl there, but as soon as the Browns lost they freaked out and left. The place was fucking empty.
  15. Yeah fuck Cleveland lol they got my show canceled
  16. Dude if yall aren't watching the Browns Raiders game. WATCH THAT SHIT. What sucks is I'm at a bar getting ready to perform for a room full of Browns fans that are watching the game. My comedic performance literally depends on baker Mayfield lol
  17. HOW BOUT THEM BENGALS! Anytime Atlanta gets beat I'm happy
  18. Dude I'm performing with a golden microphone tonight!
  19. I pray that Penn state wins. I hate Ohio state almost as much as I hate auburn lol
  20. Thanks my dude!
  21. Bama game then I'm hosting a show tonight.
  22. Bamas playing ul Lafayette Lol it's barely entertaining
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