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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. I'm actually considering giving loon videos a shot. Fuck it why not?
  2. Scary movies are wack af. I wish a flying demon would start shit with me. It would be IMMEDIATE. GUNPLAY.
  3. On the inside?
  4. I'm sorry bro. Is there anything to do out there ever?
  5. That's hot shit bb. Oh fuck
  6. Oh shit 😉
  7. Damn you're like 100000 miles away
  8. North Dakota? Lol
  9. We're all gonna die.
  10. I'm auditioning for it tomorrow. Wish me luck!
  11. I fucks with Nabron 4 real.
  12. Maybe you have a point. I really don't think I'm depressed but maybe like you I just don't know. Sometimes you need a second opinion. Maybe I'll talk to someone. It's just expensive, and I don't think my health insurance would cover it. Maybe I'll just take up knitting lol
  13. But like I want to live
  14. But bro I'm in my 20s. And even though I'm packing 2 inches strong It gets hard on the daily.
  15. I dig the new name man
  16. I'm not frustrated about anything in particular tho. I feel like I enjoy life honestly
  17. I'm not sad tho. I feel fine. I literally have nothing to be depressed about. My life is pretty damn decent.
  18. Like I feel very apathetic. Like I don't care about a goddamn thing. It's really strange. I don't think it's depression because I'm not sad at all. It's more of a "what's the point?" kinda thing. Idk. Fuck birdbox and all the sheep who won't shut up about it /blog
  19. Well I love dynasty warriors and Zelda so it's perfect for me. I actually started playing it and I'm in love. Idk why more people aren't talking about this game.
  20. OK you win. That's it. Threads over
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