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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Hawt af. As a fellow looner I can relate
  2. What would you pick? I'd pick missionary because it makes my 2 incher feel average 😊
  3. Drop your pants and bend over boy. I'm busting cheek.
  4. Look we can drink first. It less stress bro.
  5. Scoob if you keep bumping this thread we're gonna fuck
  6. Thank fucking God. I'm so relieved rn. So the girls that laughed at me were just haters right?
  7. Does size matter?
  8. I remember that creepy fuck lol
  9. I yelled dildo and my uncle heard me. And the weird motherfucker asked me if I knew what the word meant. I lied of course to avoid the weirdest conversation ever.
  10. Just want you to know I REALLY want to die now.
  11. Lol fuck no. 55 is boiling
  12. I've never met anyone from Tennessee. So by default you're the coolest person from Tennessee I know
  13. Man shit. Pierce vrosns is the best James V bong Goodnight
  14. Ok I might be slightly fucked yo
  15. I'm straight sober idk what you're taking about
  16. Where the hell are you going. And yea you're lucky af I drank this nasty honey whiskey now I want to die
  17. I just tried this shit called drambuie It's fucking trash. Don't drink it. Also fuck trump eat pussy
  18. Wtf are you waiting for m8? Get some fucking dirty sprite and fuck some brain cells up. Like wtf I mean dam
  19. Hell yeah and taking robots with wings and Molly and shit I'm kinda buzzed excuse me 😁
  20. So weird. Well I'm in the future bro. It's crazy out here
  21. Yeah aren't you in Cali?
  22. Gonna catch a vinerial disease! I have a tiny cock!
  23. Well I'm in 2019 and I'm fucking buzzed like lightyear bitch weeeeee
  24. Well we're in the future in the eastern time zone sooo
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