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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Welcome to 2019 where your closer to the coffin, the climate is a little more fucked up, and Donald Trump is STILL the president *cough cough Mueller cough cough* Let's kick it of with a bang! Maybe some tits! 2019 BITCH!
  2. Well anal sex sounds good in theory. Point made Gonna drink now
  3. Dude that sounds fucking rank mate
  4. I'm the complete opposite. But then again I'm full blown Mexican. My people aren't bred for cold.
  5. His mouths full so he can't talk. Can I take a message?
  6. Do you enjoy pain? This is some kinky shit.
  7. Oh yeah bb blow me all the way up
  8. I have so much to learn I'm a rookie loon
  9. RPGs are great for getting over embarrassing sexual episodes
  10. Normal kind but I'm open to the other one you mentioned
  11. Dude I'm sorry. Like really I am but we need to know the rest
  12. My favorite loon porn is when the female pleasures herself on a balloon
  13. Good for you for not taking that bait. Go Hulu and do you with that other chick
  14. This guy and this girl. I think they were like German. Anyway they had like 17k people watching at the time and the dude had stage fright. This smoking hot chick was slobbing him down and he couldn't get hard. So 17000+ dudes start talking shit about him which only made it worse. The chick even rolled her eyes and facepalmed. Well let me tell you that dude said some shit in German and started beating the ever loving shit out of his dick. There was foreskin and balls flying everywhere. I mean all you heard was SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP. He has to have carpel tunnel. He was bound and determined to wake his dick up. Anyway, after 5 minutes of the most savage fapping I've ever witnessed he finished, and his dick was beet red. And he moaned Meeeeeesaaaaa which must be some German shit. Idk. Just thought I'd share this. Dude he beat his dick stupid Lol
  15. I've joined the dark side. I'm a loon
  16. You make those cheeks clap bro? Video?
  17. Best post ever
  18. You can bro. Don't be down in dumps
  19. I'll show this to my mom
  20. I think you'll score some serious tang tonight.
  21. They're gonna use you like a maxi pad
  22. Go on a tinder bender mate
  23. Getting my pole swole
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