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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. See you're throwing like crazy "I just booked you numbers at me" Chill bro. I'm trying to work a deferred payment thing here and you're just not giving me any type of leeway. DAFUQ?
  2. Preferably quick and funny
  3. Aight. Dollar menu ok? I can get you two mcdoubles and a mcflurry. Or we can do a Wendy's 4 for 4
  4. Good luck killing me before a crackhead does lol
  5. If you're gonna die why eat anyway lol
  6. Aren't we all? Lol well if you need to vent my DMs is open af
  7. You better board in Cleveland then lmao
  8. Thanks! I don't actually want to die right now. Although I am super stressed and tired all the time. Just felt like being an ass for a second ya know. I hope you're doing well, fuggs.
  9. I mean I expected as much. You cool with greyhound?
  10. Sounds like a deal. 5pm tomorrow work for you?
  11. Chill bro I posted this for the lulz. Although your genuine concern is appreciated.
  12. You can have my video games, my mac, and my camera....about a $5,000 value if you'd rather just sell it.
  13. Me too. But what qualifies as garbage. I mostly watch speedruns and videos from they will kill you.
  14. I fuck you
  15. Everyone keeps telling me to take Benadryl. Don't want
  16. Dude I'm all fucked up. Watery eyes runny nose scratchy throat, and that's without sucking dick. Why do i post bullshit?
  17. Me too. We're so cool bro
  18. Got is serious business
  19. Pull up you bald headed pussy
  20. Hey that hurts i try really really hard. THESE BOARDS ARE MY HOLE LIFE
  21. You can do this if you set your mind to it
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