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Master of the GKA-verse
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Everything posted by PokeNirvash

  1. Yeah, posting when Rewind's almost over's gonna be the new thing now. TOONAMI REWIND 5:00 - Sailor Moon #4 - Learn How to Be Skinny From Usagi - TV-PGV 5:30 - Dragon Ball Z Kai #7 - The Battle With Ten-Times Gravity! Goku's Race Against the Clock! - TV-PGLV 6:00 - Dragon Ball Z Kai #8 - Shenron Appears! The Saiyans Arrive Sooner Than Expected! - TV-PGDLV 6:30 - Naruto #4 - Pass or Fail: Survival Test - TV-14V And here's where I enter uncharted territory... where it counts. TOONAMI SWIM 12:00 - My Adventures With Superman #16 - The Machine Who Would Be Empire - TV-PGV 12:30 - Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead #10 - Hometown of the Dead I - TV-MAV (Poke's Rating: fuck if I know) 1:00 - One Piece #672 - The Last Light of Hope! The Secret of Our Commander! - TV-PGLV 1:30 - Naruto Shippuden #492 - Cloud of Suspicion - TV-PG 2:00 - Dragon Ball Z Kai #15 - Goku on the Ropes! Pin Your Hopes on the Spirit Bomb! - TV-PGLV 2:30 - Ninja Kamui (Dubbed) #4 - Episode 4 - TV-MAV 3:00 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: Entertainment District Arc #5 - Things Are Gonna Get Real Flashy! - TV-MAV [whoo!]
  2. UPDATE: I chose Hitome for my icon, and I'm also gonna make a new thread to both reflect the alteration to my posting style and so I no longer have to deal with buffering issues when going back to edit posts like I did earlier when adding the link to TL-2K23. So if you've got any posts you wanna get out before I abandon ship to a new vessel, now's your chance.
  3. There's no new stuff, so what's the point? Call me when the August schedules come in.
  4. Hoo boy, this is gonna be awkward… I never thought the day would come where I would grow tired of applying personalized content ratings to the shows I watch outside of [adult swim]. The good news is, that day has not come. I’m still applying them, and I’ll keep on applying them, even on the off-chance that the TV content rating system gets abolished in favor of something boring, like the movie content rating system. Custom explanations just don’t vibe the same as those four one-letter descriptors, y’know? However, I have come to grow tired with how this thread has been going since I started it over four and a half years ago. Theoretically, it should have been a simple procedure. Every week, I put together a post consisting of the anime I gave personalized ratings to that week. Seasonals, out-of-seasonals, you name it. But as with all things, there’s that human impulse to procrastinate. At first it’s just a single week, but next thing you know three months have passed and you still haven’t drafted up anything. What’s more, the backlog of things to talk about grows to the point of difficulty. Difficulty in managing everything, and difficulty in remembering the specifics of what went on beyond the basic notes you jotted down. Even the clearest context in the moment a line of dialogue was spoken can’t account for the context behind why that context exists. I could go further in depth, but that’s what it all comes down to. I have too many shows to talk about, and too little confidence that I’ll have retained everything needed to provide a satisfying explanation. There’s also the fact that the presentation isn’t as exciting as it used to be. By that, I mean the embed function used for the content rating clips. It used to be that I could upload any number of clips and attach them with ease. Now, the site cuts you off after a certain file size cap and doesn’t even bother explaining what value that cap even is. At least the ASMB had the decency to tell you that you couldn’t post more than 10,000 characters in one fell swoop. (Or was it 100,000 characters? 10,000 words? Ah, it was so long ago I can’t even remember those specs.) Posting the X-Tweets is a decent alternative, and one to help stimulate those specific endorphins that come with being “seen” online at that! But it isn’t the same. It isn’t the same as simply uploading a raw MP4 file at the best assured quality. Maybe that’s human resistance to change talking, but that’s what I feel to be the case. In admitting all of this, I’m breaking so many promises to the few of you reading this, especially the only other one as regular with it as I am. I promised season 1 of Kimi ni Todoke, I promised Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, I promised Astro Note and Salad Bowl and Jellyfish… Hell, I even finally got around to watching Violence Jack: Evil Town (which, even with all the rape, I can totally understand MAL considering the best of the three OVAs by pure technicality), so in a way, I was promising you all the nitty-gritty on that, too! Not to mention the little experiment I foreshadowed a couple posts back in the form of a rating rundown on “Expiration Date”… And now that I’m confessing that I just don’t have it in me to share any of those, any of my upcoming seasonals through Winter 2025, and any of the out-of-seasonals I have queued up once I finish some of the others, including my first ever case of watching an anime because of an alternate timeline one of our own crafted from scratch… What else is there for me to say? More than a bit, actually. For starters, don’t take this as meaning I’m abandoning the thread wholesale. I still wanna keep it alive like I’m doing right now bothering to respond to it after letting it sit out for so long – how long does it take for it to be considered a “necrobump”, anyway? – so I’m still going to post here. However, to keep things fresh and exciting, I’ll be doing away with the typical method of listing out episodes and covering them with a spoiler tag. Instead, I’ll be taking inspiration from my Bunny Girl Senpai rundown and going through entire rating sets in a single post, multi-paragraph essay style… and covering them with a spoiler tag. Hey, can’t go following the ANN front page’s example after what happened to Emma, and twice, no less! The first series to undergo this new method will be Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night, which will see posting at the end of this month to align with its finale this Sunday. Every month following will have its own retrospective placed at the end, often relating to a show I recently watched or am at-present watching, and wish to share my insights on. June, September, December and March will be exclusively reserved for the CRC Seasonal Line Subjects, while all the other months are fair game. Next up after Jellyfish will be Plus-Sized Elf, but you won’t have to wait ‘til September to see my clips, nor will you have to venture to my X-Twitter account as an alternative. I’ll be posting them weekly in the thread a remnant of Action Discussion’s old guard set up a while back. And that, friends, is what I mean when I say I’m going to “commit a hyperfixation”. But yes, I will be making one of the overweight monster gals my icon for the next three-plus months. Either O(l)ga or the dating sim emo character cyclops. The more things change, the more they stay the same. And let this general thread for content ratings prove no exception to that all-powerful rule.
  5. Real talk, the only right way to do a season 2 of Ninja Kamui would be some bullied high school kid finding Higan's Gusoku Gear in the river, putting it on for low-stakes vengeance purposes, and getting mistaken for the main man by a bunch of enemy ninja looking to avenge Yamaji.
  6. Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead 7 Elfen Lied 13
  7. Eh, it's not the worst ninja anime that could've gotten a season 2 where one was neither needed nor wanted.
  8. Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You 12-13
  9. I am going to commit a hyperfixation with this series.
  10. Naruto Shippuden 490-491
  11. Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night 11
  12. One Piece 668 Astro Note 11
  13. Ah, nothing like running late on one to act as a transition to the new method. TOONAMI REWIND 5:00 - Sailor Moon #3 - The Mysterious Sleeping Sickness: Protect the Girls in Love - TV-PGV 5:30 - Dragon Ball Z Kai #5 - Wilderness Survival! A Moonlit Night Awakens Gohan! - TV-PGLV 6:00 - Dragon Ball Z Kai #6 - The End of Snake Way! King Kai's Bizarre Test! - TV-PGLV 6:30 - Naruto #3 - Sasuke and Sakura: Friends or Foes? - TV-PG Well you certainly aren't marrying either of 'em, that's for sure. TOONAMI SWIM 12:00 - My Adventures With Superman #15 - Most Eligible Superman - TV-PGV 12:30 - Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead #9 - Treehouse of the Dead - TV-MAV (Poke's Rating: TV-MA) 1:00 - One Piece #671 - Defeat Sugar! The Army of the Little People Charges! - TV-PGLV 1:30 - Naruto Shippuden #491 - Recklessness - TV-PGV 2:00 - Dragon Ball Z Kai #14 - An All-Out Kamehame-ha! Vegeta's Terrible Transformation! - TV-PGLV 2:30 - Ninja Kamui (Dubbed) #3 - Episode 3 - TV-MAV 3:00 - Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: Entertainment District Arc #4 - Tonight - TV-MAV
  14. Clark Kent looks a lot like I bet you do right now.
  15. Sailor Moon 2 Naruto Shippuden 489 A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics 11
  16. A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics 10
  17. Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You 10-11
  18. Sailor Moon 1 Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead 6
  19. And yet all of them are rated TV-PG or higher because of different standards here in the States. Which I prefer to just slapping a TV-Y7FV on everything, no matter how bloody the demon-slayings or uncomfortable the foodgasms get.
  20. Ninja Kamui 13 Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night 10 Hareluya II BOY 18 And now, the Belcher Kids give their semi-official rankings on ninja anime...
  21. One Piece 667 Astro Note 10 Yep, Machvise's vocal quirks are definitely already starting to grow mold.
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