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Everything posted by txanimeluva

  1. There is a restaurant called “the potato patch” and they throw rolls and muffins at you well at least pre Covid they did ..
  2. Needing to poop but knowing my bowels are doomed 😂
  3. Just finished recovery of an MMO junkie, meh ending but I guess there was nothing else left to do.
  4. How do you make an eggroll? .. You push it
  5. What do you call an angry carrot? .. Steamed
  6. What do you call a well balanced horse? .. Stable
  7. I may have missed the info somewhere but is there a place to see how many post = what rank?
  8. Ground chicken shaped into round patties over a salad and a avocado
  9. Seems the opposite
  10. Max Payne and the gtas ftw
  11. Not really too much anymore myself, I went to see spy family because it was a special event.
  12. Persona 5 currently, oddly I picked up this one before any of the others 😅
  13. Haha, I cherish everyone I had 💍 tbh I don’t even remember all anyway, I just know it was half my signature 🤣
  14. I think mine was back in 07 or 08 when I joined originally I just remember I had OWL on one account helper on another and Order of the Tacos on another lol
  15. So I’m a huge “power” fan, currently watching the new BMF series and the newest season is more like a comedy show 🤣 there was a even a part where a AirPod was left in a main character’s ear, in the time setting of the show those didn’t even exist 😅
  16. Currently on a anime kick my roommate is a cat was adorbs Relife was good as well I didn’t watch these on the listed streaming platforms tho, it was crunchy
  17. I forgot I made a profile here apparently, randomly decided to look up my old user name and it was here haha I use to post under the same SN on ASMB and prolly had way too many board spouses 🙃
  18. I just started watching it watched like 8 episodes so far and I'm not loving it. Its okay..
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