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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. oh it was viper? oh then that makes sense
  2. believe me i am already sorry i was angered by it, it might be harmless
  3. @MJ Eating Popcorn why the fuck are you following me? are you some kind of retarded troll? never mind i thought it was something else
  4. do you tell yourself....? a) theyve wasted your time b) they must be crazy or lying or something about them that makes them a dishonest person c) they might hate you because of whatever or ulterior motives or D) THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH ME AND THATS WHY ASSSHOLES TAKE ADVANTAGE?
  5. this is certainly distasteful
  6. i woke up at about 4am out of a death-like coma and struggled to remember how the fuq i ended up asleep
  7. i dont even remember going to bed.
  8. i was going to give away sets of marbles from my ebay store but i didnt want to sit on my apt building's porch and waste inventory... sounds cheap, but sitting on the porch for hours is weak as hell
  9. i part of you indefinitkey it will linger on doo doo doot
  10. is that fucking creepy? yes, yes it fucking is
  11. dream, dream, dream. whenever i want you all i have to do is, dre-e-e-e-eam, dream, dream, dream.
  12. i thought i was supposed to guess, "what?" so i guesss i fucked up
  13. you must teach the young to survive on their own, the first step is not to waste biblical texts
  14. just because you can count higher than me
  15. .
  16. i missed you phil
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