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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. you should post the picture of him you think best reflects what you said, because im too lazy to google it to find out.
  2. why does everyone take it personally? you know when he'll be back already, meatball. after an update, transition, migration, new community, or when hes bored.
  3. @Adminderaptorpat, can you please delete my "fishbones" rank now?
  4. we dont have nearly as many DF users as there were babblers ... its basically a dead folder. with a few people that use DF as their usual folder and of course the people that use FFA as their usual folder are usually not in DF (just like babbling).... now, DF is also the place where a thread that became controversial or argumentative was removed from the community by a mod and sent to DF for review, and if there is a continued issue it will be locked. you can also start your own controversy but no one will answer you. its not an earned rank or level or anything. its literally babbling but they want you to learn the community before it becomes available. there are only a few regular users and its not as exciting as it sounds. be careful or at least watch out for trolls if you want to use DF...
  5. most of it is spam essentially. to be completely honest.
  6. has anyone explained the "luuv board dumpster fires area" faqs? listen its just babbling with no bans for trolling. its nothing exciting. were dont even like to troll each other. its only purpose is to replicate babbling essentially. your topics have to be cunning and precise, infallible in an argument very subjective and very correct. its like the "dump" area for stuff you think will be answered by opinion and adversity, but remain civil enough to maintain TOS. also to be allowed a certain disrespect for perspective, allowable arguing and criticism, and a considerable amount of lightly offensive horseplay. but anything from reality that still does not meet TOS is ban. ban is ban. @Adminderaptorpat will you second this explanation?
  7. ... i am only following 4 people and the topics i participate in, and i have 127 notifications... who can utilize this feature without reading every single notification? and what if one of them is a mention or something you need, lost in over 100 unread notifications?
  8. and thats an awesome mask
  9. and then i also wanted to say thank you because i was recently trying to remember the name of this game
  10. it was probably 2010 when it was Boredz
  11. holy shit, wait a minute. who used to get harassed for being a cosplayer on ASMB? that wasnt you was it? do you remember everyday for a few weeks there were about 5 or 6 people involved and some of the trolls were hating on "western" cosplayers... lololol as if all cosplayers are asian! so stupid. but it got ugly and got into body issues and personal issues and the people involved were really offended.... do you remember all of that? and were you one of them?
  12. i built a ps2 specifically for Okami. but my gaming talent was consumed by other problems
  13. we got sayin what were sayin and no one else is playin we dont want to situation we dont need a reputation
  14. that power the car that ate the forest that stood where freedom once lives.
  15. if youre like me you "know" the moons of the universe will solve the problems with wounds of the monks.
  16. it seems thinking is the "in" thing
  17. flying dragons of the highway burn the trees of rubber, and gasoline drinks the pressurized oxygen. reformers restrained in holy temples power the moons of their shoulders, bare and whipped wise skin of a soul. whose temple is my body, and why am i at labor?
  18. beef, rice, cotton, and fire. modern day mans favorites beef, rice, cotton, and fire.
  19. @KimopoBotar, good show. i used to stay in contact with you if i could on asmb. i think my faux pas disrespect might outweigh the value of our friendship sometimes, but its nice to see you.
  20. she wouldnt settle for 1 millionaire
  21. "my trillion dollar poodle" i left my leer jet in south africa. things were getting tight in moscow. the money was thin in tijuana. jesus told me to feed brown people and then i saw that my cargo was missing. i had to buy a visa for a man to build me a diamond jet to retrieve my retriever, lollollol
  22. if you were a millionaire, youd have ? dog friends.
  23. just exactly how bad is your ass? were you ever contemplating the problems in your life and come to the realization, that every human problem can be met with a certain quantity of assery that happens to be not good. bad actually. bad assery. and its during these times we tell ourselves, "next time it wont have to be this bad," over and over, convincing ourselves that peoples attitudes are what brought a assery that was needed to be determined whether good or bad, "...not us, we're innocent." yes your ass is changing and influencing the world.
  24. always present. its actual cell division and physical make up being always possible do to a billions of years process, billions of years old old sun and earth, with billions of years old matter... technically everything is the same age
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