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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. yeah were all the same on some level. he'll at least think of mom at the strip club
  2. and mistakes or regrets are impossible to maintain without constantly being negative. learn grow and be happy.
  3. how does it feel? dont get trapped in there
  4. youre thinking of spirituality in general not free will. thinking god intended anything to be a certain way is spiritual. it means who you are could be inevitable if you are ultimately one with who you are. its a concept of oneness not free will. then, it is your choice, it is meant to be- and ultimately yours if oneness is your goal. you can be free and be wrong.
  5. for example, do you remember anything you did that is so laughable now that you would have thought it or done it? when i was about 10 one day my mom was coming home early from work. my friend and i spent almost every summer day shooting BB guns, swimming, we use to make the snap shot flip books of toys painted in blood and explosions/battles. anyway i wanted to make lunch for my mom because she was never home at lunch time and i thought it would be appreciative and funny if we pretended to be like waiters and serve her lunch and my friend went along with it. we pretended we were waiters. such dorks
  6. top 5 Rules of Free Will concerning inevitable natural decay you can speed up destruction or slow it down. you can destroy what may or may not have been supposed to be destroyed. you can emotionally/mentally escape/avoid or change/submit or also be influenced and changed (nature of will) you can add/remove stimulus. you can cause reactions.
  7. choice @Phillies yes definitely exists. choice is what damns you. no one could ever hold you accountable if you are not making choices.
  8. so, enforced will as opposed to free will. so the answer would still be choice... whether to utilize that nature or not, accept it or not, or die from it without a fight or not. STILL CHOICE.
  9. the decay of an atomic nucleus used as a map of "universal" decay is not possible. living matter has power to "choose" its own decay while all other matter does not.
  10. when all the facts say youre wrong, youre wrong. youre wrong. youre wrong. when all the facts say youre wrong, youre wrong. youre wrong. youre wrong. when all the facts say youre wrong, youre wrong. youre wrong. youre wrong. when all the facts say youre wrong, youre wrong. youre wrong. youre wrong. when all the facts say youre wrong, youre wrong. youre wrong. youre wrong. when all the facts say youre wrong, youre wrong. youre wrong. youre wrong. when all the facts say youre wrong, youre wrong. youre wrong. youre wrong. when all the facts say youre wrong, youre wrong. youre wrong. youre wrong. when all the facts say youre wrong, youre wrong. youre wrong. youre wrong. when all the facts say youre wrong, youre wrong. youre wrong. youre wrong. when all the facts say youre wrong, youre wrong. youre wrong. youre wrong. when all the facts say youre wrong, youre wrong. youre wrong. youre wrong.
  11. woked is overrated
  12. a fool is a fool is a fool is a fool. so by that logic everyone alive doesnt know when their a fool. its hindsight. so when you disagree you can say that you hope they turn out wrong. like even if youre strangely certain you fucked up.... you can be like, "dude i fucking doubt it."
  13. the real one to worry about here is psycho_raven. i hope she isnt without kawaii
  14. i come from americanopolis, im here to control the monopulous populous
  15. anyway a man that thinks banking and industry rules the world, i think subtle mistakes are none of his concern
  16. what people see as history, to the next hundred years of the world's future, people will see as isolated and strange like all generations see history. no one cares about the mistakes that were made in the worlds past anyway.
  17. i want to remember my dad as a good guy. he just wont ever see things my way because he grew up in the WWII era being born in 31. he was in his teens when WWII ended so his views on mother earth and society wont ever EVER be the same as mine.
  18. the brown/tan guy is a hereford and the black/white one is a holstein we also had some brahmas (below)
  19. bought a farm. it was an amish dairy and beef project and they wanted to move to utah with their family. the farms sold fair to a buyer with lucky spirit and ambition to take over a operation. as soon as it broke even he quit and it took 16 years to break even. anyway a giant work horse the size monstrous, like rushmore, was MY horse for a few minutes. did you ever OWN a horse? its a really cool feeling. he sold with all of the amish farming equipment and work related stuff to other amish people literally a few minutes later. we had an operating beef farm of 250 herford cattle and a dairy farm of 120 holsteins. dad couldnt commit and sold out and quit the farming business as soon as he could.
  20. will there be butt fingering?
  21. ok agree. hes too small and harmless
  22. nevrmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind
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